Chapter 3: Turn 5 [Oh My Goodness, This Poor Wall]

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    Ivory continued to devour the chocolate he had, despite Miguel's suggestions. "Hm, I'm unpersuaded, however, I will say this. Another interesting element in this story is-"

    "Say, Ivory, why don't you drink up with me? You are an adult now, you know. Or does the facade of still being a 'junior detective' continue into your dietary habits? How do you even get to be a junior-detective when you're a literal adult, anyway?" Mr. Miguel yawned, stretching his arms. 

    "Well, actually, Mr. Miguel -- contrary to my dry personality -- I am considering it. I haven't taken up smoking, if you've noticed, as I find that activity to be too dry. I might be a dry person, but I need something to balance it out, ya see. I just have never gotten around to drinking. Sugary candy has become my 'poison of choice'." 

    Mr. Miguel shrugged. "Fine enough! Anyway, what's one of the 'elements' of this story so far that interests you? Sorry for the interruption." 

    "Hmph, forgiven. And... the Ahlstrom family, right? I mean... it's apparent, now, that Apricot-Enderbite is Kevin's brother. Which means... Kevin has a brother whose part of a criminal syndicate, but even stranger, Kevin seems to not talk much on his family. He has a mother, who he briefly mentioned was named Christin, and a father who he has said very little about. In fact, it's been Kevin's two boyfriends -- Charlie and Jonah -- who have mentioned a horrible relationship that Kevin possesses with his dad, never Kevin himself. So, who do you think Kevin's dad could be? Or... if he hasn't come up in the story yet, at all, how do you think he'll be introduced when the time arises?" 

    "Hm, I don't know. It could be something that progresses the plot. A catalyst -- an enzyme -- if you will. In other words, we haven't seen the character yet, at all, and when he does show up, the story will take a massive turn." Mr. Miguel took a soft sip of his wine, his tan fingers rubbing the outer edges, again. "Ah, I just love rubbing rims." 

    "Apparently. And... I'm just so intrigued. I don't know if the ODA will have any files on the Ahlstrom family anywhere. And I know you were an admirer of my older brother, so I know you wanna be a detective, too." 

    "Has the Ahlstrom family ever committed any crimes? The ODA wouldn't just keep tabs on an innocent family, right?" 

    "M- Maybe. Also, I'd like to take one more look at how I don't even want to know what's going on between Scarlet-Andesite and Todd Grayson." Ivory laughed, his seasoned face slightly round, with a few creases to his cheeks. 

    "You find this funny?" Mr. Miguel put a hand to his cheek. 

    "Well, yes. You see, there's just... so much going on. So much we have to look forward to! I'm impressed with how much this story keeps us holding on until the next act. However, the plot twist with Scarlet- Is it not about to be the most 'I told you so' kind of scene in this entire series? I wonder how Tanaka is gonna feel about that." 

    "I don't see what you mean." Frowned the professor. 

    "Well, you will eventually, won't you? We all will." Smiled Ivory as he took a sip from the glass, softly wrenching it from Miguel's hand. "Thanks, I like the taste of this. I guess it was just as dry as me, after all." 

    "Oh, by the way! Are we going to have an epilogue this time? We had an epilogue back in the previous parts of this story!" Mr. Miguel spun on his heel. 

    "Nope, no need." Ivory shook his head.

    "But- BUT! We had a prologue. It would seem so... unfinished." 

    "Who cares?" 

    Mr. Miguel crossed his arms. "Fair point. By the way, I'd like my wine back. What you're drinking is a 'common dry', with a daiquiri mixed in." 

    Ivory blinked three times, bags under his eyes shaking, as his blonde hair reached down to the floor. "Oh my gosh, it's actually spelled like that?" 

    Miguel nodded. 

    "Then why do people pronounce it, like, 'dackery' so much? It looks like... 'die-queery'." 

    "The human lexicon is a... mysterious one, Ivory." 

    Ivory shrugged, his hairy arms bulging beneath his white shirt. "Fair point." 


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