Prologue 4

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    "Senra, the infamous local artist, is expected to show up today at Eddington Academy." Mr. Miguel pushed his glasses closer to the bridge of his nose one morning as he spoke to his history class. His rugged stance, catered with a look of wheat-beige pants, hung over the phalanx which sat in front of him.

    "Why is he infamous?" Marian drummed her fingers on the top of her desk. 

    "Because, he's been-" 

    "He's been accused a countless number of times of sexual predatory behavior, yet not enough evidence has ever been found." The voice of Junior Detective Ivory came through, sweeping the attention of the weary history class. An older man, his platinum blonde hair curling at the edges of his jaws, twirled that hair with a vicious compulsiveness. 

    "Oh." Tanaka frowned. 

    "Indeed." Mr. Miguel fixed his tie. "Oh and by the way, J.D. Ivory will be hanging around the school for a while." 

    "Why's that?" Marian put a finger to her left jaw.

    Mr. Miguel, yawning, spoke low in his Hispanic accent. "Well... I didn't want to give this announcement to the class so publicly... so if nobody wants to hear this, you may turn away. However-" 

    "However, as we all know, an unnamed organization has been using the bottom cellar of the Hinge Corporate building as a meeting hub. Hm. Perhaps I should watch myself whenever I say generalities like 'as well as know'. Moving right along. This organization has been accused of being the reason for society's recent turn against driving and private transportation. One of the agents of this unnamed syndicate, who goes by the code-name of Cyan-Diorite, was last seen by an undercover cop to be horribly bruised and disfigured in the event of a crash, which itself was part of a legal derby race in Ajax." Ivory wore a white short-sleeve shirt which was filled with buttons as he traced dark hairs on his arm. 

    "How do they know about that?" Marian mouthed silently, whipping her head over to Tanaka. "Who could've been the under-cover cop?"

    "One of our secret agents from the ODA dressed up as an obnoxious announcer-man for the race. Strange thing is, Cyan-Diorite was not found at the scene of the crash. Although he is an alleged member of a crime syndicate, we have reason to believe his crash was the result of another individual who was a brutally aggressive driver." Ivory's ocean-blue eyes seemed to land on Tanaka's. "And... we have reason to believe... that that aggressor... is here, today, at this academy." 

    Tanaka sat frozen in his chair. Marian looked over to him slowly once she had re-whipped her focus back to Mr. Miguel, as to not try and make Ivory suspicious of them. There was a tension in the air as Mr. Miguel looked at Marian with suspicious eyes. The other students didn't make a movement, they were looking around, wondering who could've started this sudden awkward silence. 

    "Without further ado, we have other plans to find this aggressor. However, we won't be telling you them. It'll be a... surprise." Ivory lowered his head and grinned, his thick and aged arms fidgeting by his side. 

    "Don't worry." Mr. Miguel smiled, waving his hands. "No one needs to worry. Ivory's mostly also here to make sure this alleged sexual offender of an artist doesn't do anything crazy." 

    "Indeed. I've come prepared." the elder Ivory pulled out pepper spray and a taser-gun from his pocket. "These pockets of mine... are absolutely voluptuous." 


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