Chapter 2: Turn 2

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     "So, tell me, why are you here? What about this company really interests the likes of such a... civilian, such as yourself?" The Inquisitor touched the brim of his hat while looking at his phone.

     11:59pm, Wednesday, 2071. 

     "These recent weeks have been... the realest, one could say. And I've realized something awful." 

     "What is that, my child?" 

     "I remember a time when I had an amazing friend who cared for me. Friends who were always so ecstatic to talk! People always excited to play. I remember the love from an old cheerful boyfriend. I remember we used to talk, stay up, and I would tell stories -- he'd tell his -- and I was comforted. It all felt great, but-" 

     "But, my child?" 

     "It felt normal. In those days, it was normal. It was normal to have friends who were so interested and invested. Now, I feel so alone. It feels like everywhere I look, it's just some act of aggression against my self-esteem. Now, that isn't to say I don't still have a healthy and fair amount of nice and well-to-do people in my life, but it's just not the same as it once was. And I realize, looking back -- maybe it's just the effect of hindsight -- I took it all for granted. His loving smile, her warm embrace, and their patient voices... all felt so good." 

      The Inquisitor patted this young woman on the head, brushing any hair out of her eyes. "I see. What a shame, my child. Truly, that is. Well, you've come to the right place."

      From behind the Inquisitor stood a young man with long, white hair that fell parted down the middle of his forehead. "W- Wait a minute. Isn't this... Marissa Singer from Eddington Academy?" The figure stepped back, his snowy locks flowing. 

      "Indeed. And she has not come to the right place," The Inquisitor whispered. "In the world I intend to create, everyone will be lonely... just like me. Just like Cuprite how has now found himself. Alone and scared, like the traitor he is." 

     "Man, misery sure loves company." The young man stretched his arms, staring at Marissa. "Oh well!" He shrugged, turning back to his boss. "So, when do you think I should visit Kevin? Tell him, that after all, his brother really isn't dead." 

     "Hm, whenever you feel like it, I suppose. I can sense it from you, Apricot-Enderbite. You are loyal! You are loyal to this organization, and its ambitions. So, I trust that you will not do anything horrible when it comes to 'catching up' with your family. Yes, I do indeed believe that Kevin... needs a visit from his long-lost brother." 

     "Yes sir, big boss-man! After all, I'm not just long-lost. To him... and dad... they both think I'm six feet under." 

     "Apricot-Enderbite, I see what you did there just now. You have mentioned disdain for your biological father before. Do you know what I think? I think it's horrible. He must've been a terrible man! They just don't make good fathers anymore, do they?" The Inquisitors deep voice purred across the small room, brown rugs and a fireplace surrounding them. 

     Marissa stared at them both, her face in disbelief. I'm gonna have so much to tell Marian, holy shit.

     "Yup. He's just your classic, abusive provider. Makes the money, but then will end up having to use that money for some well-deserved therapy in the future." 

     "You know what I also think? I think I want to be your new father, Apricot." 

     "You... want to- What?" 

     "You can call me, 'dad', from now on. Is that alright with you?" The Inquisitor folded his hands, his back hunching over.

     "I'll- I'll have to think on it." Apricot-Enderbite put a finger to his mouth. "But I do like the sound of it." 

     The Inquisitor watched as the young man left the odd, dark area that the three humans were in. Marissa watched, as well, while she had her hand in her pocket. Her legs shook. 

     She was in the company of bad men. Crooked men. Criminals, even. Men who had destructive plans for the world. This man – 'Inquisitor', he held the title of – was of a powerfully intimidating demeanor. He had tried to comfort Marissa just moments ago by pushing the hair out of her eyes, but it just came off forced and... distracted. 


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