Chapter 3: Turn 5

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     "I can't believe it." Fitz touched his eye as he was still in the cellar, loitering near the trapdoor and its ladder. "I... allowed you to win. I allowed you into my head, and let you kill a man. I've never... killed a man. I'm so... disappointed. So... DISAPPOINTED!" 

     "Oh, calm yourself, you old man." 

     "I'm not that old!" 

     "Sure you are. Twenty-eight isn't exactly a spring chicken.

     "Yes it is, yes it is! It's 2069, do you know how long people live these days? Or are you still stuck in that little fantasy land of yours, known as the Tir Na Mabi?" 

     "Oh, how dare you call it a fantasy land. Say, Fitz, what if I took complete possession of you, and shot everyone in the cafe to death? I'm only holding back because I agreed to our special deal.

     "I made that deal because I didn't want you to think you could take over any further than you already did, and do!" 

     "You're such a weak man, thinking you can bargain when it was you who lost control... that night." 

     "That night? What do you mean?" 

     "Ho! So he plays dumb himself, then, I see. You know... 'that night'. Years ago, when you were a little younger... and when Catalina died-

     "No, please! Don't bring it up. I... can't bear to think about it. About her." 

     "Too bad. Too bad! I'm going to make you remember. You and I... are going to make the most out of this little, cob-web-infested place and take a trip down memory-lane. Ah, I just love memory-lane! Where the ravioli is spicy, and the trauma is spicier.

     "N- No! Get... out... of my head. You're... hurting... me. You're going to hurt us bo-." 

     "Shut up! Do you remember who it was who killed Catalina? It wasn't a stray car, but, of course, I told Cuprite that story nonetheless.

      "No. No! It... STINGS!" 

     "Then maybe you should have thought of that before, hm? What a horrible man you've become by putting yourself in situations which you knew would ruin you. You knew! I knew, and everyone else knew. Catalina was going to be a very toxic choice for you, but you stayed with her nonetheless, because you wanted to prove everybody wrong... even though you knew you didn't have the answers to articulate on what the problems were between you and her. So it only got worse... and worse... and worse.

      "Stop! Don't... say it. I can feel it. You're going to say-" 

      "Just calm down, Fitz. Yelling doesn't suit you. It suits me. Bartholomew Mac, but not you... Fitz Coy." 

      "We're two sides of the same frickin' coin! The coin was once called... Fitz...barthol...omew...Mc...Coy."

      "My, my. Why was that so painful for you to say, you drama queen? This is why I've taken over. Because you made a horrible choice. Catalina's family will never forgive you."  


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