Chapter 2: Turn 3

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    "Has the council reached a verdict?" Mr. Ambiance spoke with the other administration of Hinge Corporate, in a huge committee-like room, a white and blue flag hung behind him.

    "I, Vice-Executive, Gillborie, would like to speak." The clumsy, old man from before coughed into his hands. 

    "Gillborie has the floor." Ambiance grinned. 

    "Second-in-Command, chairman council of the board, Correspondent, Sir William Ambiance IV... I require immediate attention to a dire situation." The older voice wheezed. 

    "Hm, and what would that be, seventh-in-command, chairman council of the board, Correspondent, Sir Charles Windflaw Gillborie?" 

     "Our current CEO, Fitzbartholomew McCoy! I've seen him... working with the unnamed organization which we've made deals with. You called it a ridiculous conspiracy earlier... but it's true. This could get in the way of you becoming the next CEO. Because, well- Because-"

    "Because if he's created this unnamed organization as a fake counter-group in order to make himself look like the hero when he defeats it, it's obvious he's a dangerous man. Perhaps that's just my conjecture, though. And... of course... we can't have that running around, now, can we? He will end up looking better, in the end, and having more influence than I ever could." 

    "Exactly, sir! You understand- Thank the Heavens! I've already seen the theories and speculations. Some of you here today- You already suspect that the leader of the unnamed organization looks too much like Mr. McCoy!"

     "And if that were true, then we'd all be idiots, wouldn't we? We'd all be playing right into his grubby fingers. It was a fine plan. If he were to create this counter-movement against cars, it would bring in more money to us, because then people would be trading in their cars- Giving them up, or selling them. We'd make a lot of the revenue off of the taxes, since the parts originally came from us. In fact, that's why we made the deal with them in the first place- This little syndicate." 

     "What kind of deal was it, again, Sir William?" The old man's wheezy tone echoed across the area. 

     It was like a ballroom with steps, golden cloth-chords hung from the ceiling. 

     "Just a simple profit-split. The organization would go on to make propaganda against cars... and we'd help them. In return, they got some money, and we got some money, because, in one instance, much of the polity of the city of Little Japan would pay us to take the cars out of their sights. Obviously, we profited more than they did- I was sure of that. We can't actually have this world going against cars forever, but... if there is a cyclical revolution against the market every so often... that won't hurt." Mr. Ambiance grinned, biting his bottom lip. "It shouldn't hurt one bit."

     "But... Fitzbartholomew... has been a shady man for a while now! More shady than is necessary for a corporation like us, that is." 

     "If he makes himself look like a hero, then he may be a CEO for longer than intended. I recall, Charles, we vote on CEOs in this company. And so, if he looks gracious... then I guess I do lose this year's election. However," Ambiance smiled so his sharp canines came out into view. "that won't happen, will it? See, this is the wonderful thing about him not being available during the day. We can make all sorts of plans." Suddenly, the man's phone was ringing in his breast-pocket. "Oh, whoops. It's Madame Zhadao. I've gotta take this. Excuse me, men. Oh, if only the economy hadn't been so bad in the first place- We wouldn't have to stoop so low. Hm, truly, 'virtue' is a luxury."


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