Chapter 2: Turn 1 (Impulse Can Kill)

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    Tanaka faced Marian one Saturday afternoon in Ajax.

    "I'm signing up for this race."

    "It's because of him, isn't it?" the springy and sun-shining afternoon, posters were everywhere for another local derby race. Marian Theodora pointed over to a man with blue hair and blue eyes.

    "Hm?" this man turned, his calm yet strong voice traveling through the air. "Ah, hello. If it isn't the boy who I defeated last time. Should I assume you plan to join in this race?"

    "Plan to join? Pffft. I will join. And I've gotten better, you know?" Tanaka clenched his fists. "I've gotten a lot better." The young man's tan face slowly got red.

    "I hope so. It's been a decent amount of time since we last met." The mysterious black-jacketed man flicked his fingers for fun.

    "But there's something I don't get. Can you explain this to me? Why is it that you drive, yet when we last met, you said you were against driving and supported the illegalization of it? You were against the concept of it, and yet here you are. Signing up for another race. Do you plan to fuck it all up or something?"

    "Well, I needn't tell you the whole story- You're much too young and naive, even if you're sporting off this slightly longer hair, and goatee, from when last we met. Regardless, when the day comes that all private transportation is eradicated from this country, I vow to be in charge of driving the public vehicles."

    "So you think that the end of driving will come in your lifetime? Is that really how arrogant you are? I oughtta bust your jaw open right now."

    "Tanaka, easy." Marian touched the tip of her male friend's shoulder.

    "Yes, that is what I think. It is what I... believe." The blue-haired and blue-eyed man relaxed as he stretched amongst the crowd of derby-goers. "And I doubt you could lay a finger on me. Your threats are empty, much like your car is going to be after this race when you go home beating yourself up in defeat."

    "Well, we'll see, won't we? Let's bet on this." Tanaka punched his opposite palm. "I'm not gonna lose this time."

    "A bet, huh? Fine. I wanna see what you're made of, kid. You give me quite a thrill, something like I've never felt in a long time."

    "If I beat you in this race, then you have to stop your crusade."

    "Hm. A hard bargain, I see. Well, that's fair enough, I guess. How do you suppose you beat me then? Just by getting a further place, or does one of us have to actually win the race, otherwise the entire ultimatum is called off?"

    "Good point. By getting a further place. What do you think, Marian?" Tanaka turned.

    "Don't drag me into this! You two crazy guys can come up with your own rules." The girl threw both her arms harshly to her sides.

    "Once again, fair enough." Cyan-Diorite chuckled. "And if you lose, you have to join us in our crusade against private transportation. You in? We're looking for more members. Not so surprisingly, a group like this often runs into conflict with itself. No one from the outside has really barged their way in. At least, not successfully."

    Tanaka nodded gravely. "What does he mean by 'not successfully' when it comes outsiders? Is... Marissa okay? And, Cravius Moon -- that's your name -- I accept your part of the bargain."

    "Tanaka! Do you realize what you're getting yourself into?" Marian shrieked, putting both hands to her mouth.

    "I know. But," Tanaka sighed, letting a bit of vocalizing out as he did. "I want to stop this guy here once and for all. You told me all about it earlier- About Hinge Corporate! About these strange guys."

    "She knows about the organization hiding under the Hinge Corporation? Well, that changes things." Cravius Moon walked over to Marian threateningly.

    "Not so fast, Cyan-Diorite." The brown-haired young man pointed to the coordinators of the race, who were signaling that it was time to begin. Flags red and yellow were going up and down, being waved by insignificant men with pompadour-haircuts.

    "Fair enough. Well, may the best man win." 


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