Chapter 3: Turn 4 [The Cafe Merlot Expanded]

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    "Whelp, it's been an hour now, Fitz. You thinkin' of closin' up? I know I gotta be at work sooner or later. I am a teacher after all. English." Amontillado crossed his arms over his light-beige shirt. "Heh, I know, I know- That's tomorrow. Still though, the sun sets -- and rises -- before ya know it!" 

    "I... uh... yes. Just-" Mr. Coy still couldn't help but hold his hand, anxiously, to his face. "I... need to use the restroom, pardon me!" 

    "Um! Alright, I'll just put this all on my tab then? You know I'll be back for it later. I always go to this place!"

    Mr. Coy soon found himself in a small bathroom and, utilizing the mirror, stared himself in the face. 

    "No. It's not time for you to come out yet, you devil. I'm still in control thus far, as this is, after all, my bar!" He scratched at the mirror, blood pouring out of his fingers. 

    Then, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and, rolling back out again, his hair seemed to part to the left on its own. 

     A similar voice came out of his own mouth, with, "Fitzbartholomew McCoy! What a precious and simple man we are. The CEO of a car manufacturing company who's also the leader of an underground syndicate- Yet you also live a secret double life as a modest bartender. What made you want to switch over so badly, huh? It's time for you... to go... to bed. Also known as, time for me... to come out. This is usually around the times I've met with... Todd Grayson... or... Apricot-Enderbite. We have a deal, you remember. You'll let me out at these specified times. You think I'm being pushy and pressing you, but I'm just playing fair.

    In response, the green eyes of the bartender rolled around again, contrasting the devilish copper from a second ago. "I- I can't! I still have to close the bar. At least- At least let me do that for fuck's sake!" 

    "Fitz?" A knock came rattling on the door. "You okay in there? I left the money at the counter. Thanks for another awesome Sunday night, man! I hope you're alright." Amontillado seemed concerned.  

    Fitz's eyes rolled around again, allowing for the second personality to speak once more. "Go on. Go out there and tell him you're fine. I'll let you do that, at least. Then, we're leaving. We have things to see, people to manipulate, and a world to save.

    "Y- You... think we're actually going to save the world? Oh, the irony! Being the CEO of Hinge Corporate -- the leading car manufacturing company in all of Canada -- yet on the side, you also run a secret brigade of fucking puppets who are out to abolish the act of private transportation. Nevermore utilizing the cellar of the corporation's own building! H.C. is both a car distributor and car abolisher. It doesn't make any sense, Bartholomew! It's why... I've wanted to start this business on the side. Be a bartender, too, at an exquisite cafe. It helps me get away from all this corrupt bullshit!" 

    "Indeed, you were one to run away from a complicated life, Fitz. Nothing can beat being a humble bartender. But, let's be honest... we went our separate ways once Catalina left the picture, am I right? It's why I need to come out right now, right?

    "Th- That's right. Ca- Ca- Catalina. Oh, how I miss your sweet embrace.

     Mr. Coy let his arms fall, weakly, to his sides, still slouched over the mirror, in defeat. 


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