Chapter 3: Turn 1 (Do Other Stories Influence Our Own?)

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"Well. Here goes." Tanaka smiled, his hands on a steering of a black car. "Black. The one color that's become popular because all the online critics have agreed to sing its praises. It's a color that goes well with all the other colors, when it comes to fashion. So everyone has picked it out and black has kept businesses moving."

"You've trained well enough, kid." Came the soft roar of Cravius as he sat in the passenger seat. "Also, I don't think I needed that exposition... but it makes sense." 

"We ready to save the three boys now?" Marian stretched in the backseat of the car which Cravius had loaned Tanaka. 

"All that and more." Cravius took a deep breath as he rolled down his passenger side window. "Tanaka, I've been a wild teacher. Believe me. Some of the stuff I've said so far... has been pretty jarring. I know I've made you freak out and you must be thinking some pretty bad things about me right now. But nonetheless, I can happily say that we're finally finished. Prepping you for the other wild teachers that may come your way has not been easy on me just as much as it has not been so easy on you. But you've done amazing so far. The kind of work that you've put in and the kind of skill you've shown me... all have made me a really proud guy. I didn't think I'd ever get to teach someone how to drive. The thing that... took my- well. You know. You know. We've been over this. But. I furthermore didn't expected that I'd help you go against this organization. But here we are... in a car. And I'm going to make sure that I get payback. I... don't like the syndicate anymore. Perhaps I'll explain my reasons at some point. For now, helping you has also helped me. Despite all of our time together, your going to really be needing some more practice with your friend over here. Always be practicing and always have those dreams, don't let anybody take them away from you. Not even me." 

"I was kinda thinking that at some point, I should drive around Marian's neighborhood when I get a chance. What do you say, Marian? Drive around your neighborhood once a week?" Tanaka's brown eyes fell over to the red-headed beauty in the backseat. 

"Sure." The girl shrugged. 

"Well then. It's settled. Rescue and Revenge mission. You two save those three boys and I -- well -- I don't know if I'm gonna make it back alive."


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