Betrayal Runs Rampant: Chapter 3, Turn 1

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           "Another exciting day at the cooking club, everyone!" Jonah closed his eyes as he began to bang a wooden spoon against a metal pan, much like Charlie had done from a number of days ago. 

           "Quite." Kevin smiled, crossing his arms as his charcoal bangs fell in between his golden eyes.

           "Ah, my darling Kevin is back! Where've you been? Are you okay? I've been worried! It's been a week too long, you handsome devil!" Ms. Henderson danced.

           "Stay back, vile female!" Charlie wretched as he playfully guarded Kevin with a wooden roller.

           "Oh my, I'm terribly sorry." The curvy and blonde professor put a hand to her mouth. "I guess I'll just go drink orange juice by myself, then." 

            "I'm surprised you don't drink wine a lot." Kevin coughed into his sleeve. 

            "Why? Is orange juice not 'cool' anymore with the kids?" 

             "Nah, it's because you're a woman in her thirties." 

             "Well. Shit." Ms. Henderson sneezed. 

              "So," The voice of Nora trickled around the air from the other side of the room as she dawned a revealing and pink shirt. "I don't know what to talk about today." 

               "Hm?" Marissa turned.

               "This past weekend was so fun though! When are we gonna do something like that again?" 

               "Not sure, Nora. Anytime, I guess. 'From the hours of twelve or two in the afternoon, the trains gain'." Marissa quoted one of the slogan for Little Japan's advertisements of its public transportation.

               "Yeah. Gotta love that slogan." Nora snapped her fingers, lowering her eyebrows. 

              "But, how've you been with getting over your 'guy'?" Marissa looked deep into Nora's eyes. 

              "It's been easy, but at the same time, hard." 

              "Right. But that's where the whole 'letting go' comes in." 

              "I've been thinking about wh- Well, ruminating about why it's been taking me so long to get over him." 

              "Oh, have you broken new ground, Ms. Philosopher?" Marissa winked. 

              "Hmph. I'll break your ground." 

              "Just be sure not to break my hymen! Shit was expensive as fuck." 

            "What the-" 

            "Joking, joking!" 

             "Right. Um. Anyway, it's because we haven't had closure. It feels weird. Like, I don't know how to explain it. It's not so much the fact that I need to hear him say that he was at a certain level of fault as much as I was. It's more like," Nora thought on it, twirling her almond-colored hair. "You know how when people get married, they have weddings? When people die, they have funerals?" 

             "Mhm?" Marissa raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't expecting this analogy. Where're you going with this? Hah. And when hymens break, girls usually cry-" 

             "Oh my god, would you stop with the hymen jokes? They're only funny on certain occasions." Nora shoved herself forward out of her seat some. 

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