Chapter 1, Turn 5

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    "So-" Charlie hiccuped. "I think today-" He hiccuped again. "We're going to cook with... some wine."

    "That sounds like a fancy idea." Ms. Henderson said as the Eddington Cooking Club got ready to enjoy themselves. "Why not... some orange juice, though?" 

    "Cooking with wine would be a lovely idea... but, Charlie-Poo, where is the wine?" Jonah scratched at his ginger sideburns. 

    "I- Uh. Shit?" Charlie looked to Jonah with a pair of cerulean eyes, which went from small to wide, in a heartbeat. 

    Kevin went over to the fridge to see two bottles of chilled Chardonnay. Ms. Henderson and her mature figure stood close to Kevin as he inspected the containers. As usual, there was a label on the back that warned pregnant women not to drink too much- If at all. Everything seemed so normal, except for the part where there should have been three wine bottles- Not just two. 

    "Who is this 'surgeon general' anyway?" Charlie barked in a drunken stupor. "Sounds like a real pussy if you ask me!"

    "Oh dear. I will not be responsible for contributing to any delinquency amongst minors. I had nothing to do with this, okay?" Ms. Henderson put a hand to her forehead. "Nothing whatsoever! I even made sure that there were three bottles of wine in the fridge this morning." 

    "Yeah." Kevin crossed his arms. "But you seem kinda tired though, Henderson. You have a long night last night?" 

    The professor nodded, her thin, silver glasses almost falling off her face. "I went for a midnight stroll in the snow. Had been finding it hard to get to sleep." 

    "You know, the recipe called for three bottles of wine for a reason." Jonah pointed his whole right hand at Charlie's shaking movements. "Can you count, oh dearest Charles? One, two, three. There are now... deux bottles of wine."

    "Sometimes it's hard to believe we go by recipes at all, and that you three boys aren't just making this shit up as you go along." The voice of Marissa Singer could be heard from the back of the class. 

    "Ain't that the truth?" Nora laughed. 

    "Who says we don't?" Teased Jonah in response, now pointing his entire right hand at Nora. "Most of these recipes are actually ones which Charlie concocted. We've been using the cooking club to test them out. If they go great, then we'll put them up online for the world of critics to view and, of course, review! It's small steps like these that'll get us one step closer to living our dreams."

    The special room which the Cooking Club always used was becoming more and more crowded as the days of the week went on. 

    Apparently, this club, out of all the other clubs at Eddington, was getting popular. Maybe it was because it was the only club that housed the only homosexual, polygamous relationship in the entire school. Maybe it was due to the fact that one of the supposedly sexiest professors, Ms. Henderson, was a proud, important member. 

    Not everyone liked this, however. 

    In fact, this was a particularly interesting conflict for Nora, who'd been coming to the club in order to get some peace and quiet. Her life outside of school had been rough- She was getting to know the unfriendlier sides of men. The using, manipulative, and the leading-on types... were prevalent if one unconsciously looked for them. Then, there were the complex and the struggling sides of men... and it was stressing her out. 

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