The Boy Who Dreams: Chapter 2, Turn 1

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    "They call me... Charlie Monolow." Charlie started putting a pen to paper one Saturday afternoon as he sat in his room, the weather chilly outside. "I've taken many pictures, and snaps, in this city of Little Japan, as well as other neighboring towns. Professional photography has been my passion for about as long as I can remember. I started an online handle back in 2037 in dedication to photography. Much to the growing trend of the times with being a critic, in particular, I was a critic of the photography of others, as well as posting my own snapshots from time to time. My blog was full of diverse photos. Yeah- Was." 

    In the next second, he put his pen down in an exhausted manner. 

    The young man, his longer blond hair a bit of a disheveled mess, looked out the window. Charlie laughed at the soft memories he recalled, where girls like Nora or Marissa would accuse him of wearing the same shirt every day. 

    Tiredly touching his hand to the window, he traced the city below with his gaze. Man, the city's storefront looks beautiful from my apartment.

    "Hey, Charlie, is everything alright?" Jonah called down from the compact hall, walking out from his room, and onto the carpeted floor. 

    "Yeah." Charlie still had his hand on the chilling glass, his eyelids half-open.

    "The city looks gorgeous today! We can see so much more from our floor like this! Oh look! That one girl's scarf is pretty fetch." Jonah scratched his bear chest, wearing nothing but a pair of blue jeans. 

    "Mhm." Charlie yawned. "I guess I'll go make breakfast then." 

    "Wow, not gonna protest how I'm trynna make 'fetch' a thing? Hm. Charlie." 

    "Huh?" Charlie turned.

    "I know why you've been feeling down, recently, whenever we're not in the Cooking Club. Look, Kevin just needs space right now. Everything'll be alright. He's been dealing with dumb shit over his da- Everything's just gonna be okay, okay? I promise!" Jonah tried to calm down his boyfriend, though his own emotions were getting a bit charged.

    He pressed his sternum against Charlie's, nipples hardening.  

    "I know, I just feel awful. Kevin seemed so fine recently, I didn't know anything major was going on with him. He didn't really tell us about this recent mishap of his emotions. He didn't tell me. So, I was just trying to take my mind off it by filling out my resume to get a job at Phylactery Photography." 

    "Which means you've probably been up for an hour already, huh? Exhausting yourself?"

    "I- Well." Charlie looked down. "Maybe." 

    "You wanna find out about Kevin's dad as much as I do, don't you? We know little about his family, really." Jonah hugged Charlie tighter. "It's gonna be alright, darlin'. We're goin' to make it through this." 

    "I- I'm scared, Joney. I'm scared." Charlie cried into the strong shoulders of one of his significant others. "Is this the reason why Kevin's a, you know, kuudere?" 

    "Hm." Jonah looked out the window as he held the slender, warm body of Charlie, skin brushing up against skin. "I remember what Mr. Flame said about us three. At one point, he described the idea of us getting together as a pretty 'toxic' one. He surmised that it ultimately wouldn't work out, because you're all about attachment, and Kevin's more distant." 

    "Who's Mr. Flame?" Charlie managed to ask between his hiccups of soft crying. 

    "Well, he goes by, to most of the kids, as 'Mr. Miguel'." Jonah spoke in a low voice, his thick ginger hair, cut short to his ears, brushing up against Charlie's cheek. 

    "Oh, him. The guy with the fascination for pink pants and who teaches... History, I think?"

   "Yeah, 'him'. That nut- Also, I think I heard people saying that he enjoys drawing pictures using just different types of berries. I'm not sure how he gets that done!" 

    Charlie's head cocked back in a tiny bout of laughter. "Really? Well, didn't he say something about how archaic man drew pictures of animals with just different types of fruit? I guess he's trying to get immersive." 

    "I'm sure he did. Tanaka also likes to point out that guy's stubble." 

    Jonah, his ginger hair a curly mess in the morning, looked into Charlie's blue eyes. 

    Charlie looked back at Jonah. He saw Jonah for what he was -- in that moment-- and everything he was capable of. Jonah's brown eyes seemed to be like universes of chocolate planets whose atmospheres were turning -- no, spinning -- at an alarming rate. 

    There was a feeling of hunger, thirst, and libido in the air. 

    "Anyways," Jonah blushed and twirled his wrist. "our little Kevin Ahlstrom. The guy's definitely a card, I'll give him that. And, of course, an awesome boyfriend in regards to other things considered, but regardless-"

    "You know, I've been thinking, Jonah. We're a group of three, right? So, how come none of us ever becomes a 'third wheel'?" 

    His gaze widening, Jonah's mouth loosened up some. "Th- That's a damn good question. If I had to guess, I'd say it's because you and me are pretty similar in our character and so, you know, it's really one person, in two bodies, dating Kevin. Yeah! Anyway, Kevin told me awhile back about his dad, just a little bit though. I wish I knew more." 

    "He told you? And not me?" Charlie stuck his arms close to his sides and cocked his head up.

    "He did tell you though. It was a while back, so you may've not been paying very much attention." Jonah put a palm to his face. "He said that his dad had some sort of career where he moved around a lot. Kevin never had any time to bond with anyone. Every time he got close-" 

     "Joney, you don't think... that Kevin's dad is trying to get him to leave again, do you?" Charlie's eyes welled up, once more, with a liquid overflow. 

    "I," Jonah let a few tears fall, as well. "would really appreciate it if you could stop interrupting me." The two boys sat on the floor of the living room, and with each second that passed, hugged each other tighter, and tighter. 

    "Joney, I'm so scared!" 

    "Me too." Jonah's frown, however, quickly replaced itself with a thirsty smirk. "Say, Charlie?" 


    "I w- want you... so bad right now." Jonah took Charlie, softly, by the lips, and pressed them against his. 

    "J- Joney, your breath smells so rich and decadent. I want it inside my mouth." Charlie felt something hard grow beneath his pants as the two young men cuddled close to the window. 


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