Chapter XXXV

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Jennies's POV

"Eh ? What do you mean , Unnie ?" I tried to catch up with the Orange haired girl , keep on talking "She said she's having like Shoulders lengthed hair , with bangs , she's the same height as you , maybe a bit taller , you may know her.." I wanted to help You/N to get along with Dahyun's crush , so I asked her to give me some details that may help..

"shoulder lengthed hair...same height as you mean Momo Hirai ?" If I would know who she is..maybe..

"Maybe..I have just some details from Y/N !" I hit her head using my index finger "Well.. She's the only Japanese student from Dance Major that is the same age as me , lieing ! Her and a girl that her parents are Japanese but she's born in Texas , but her hair is much longer now..yeah , I think she's the one that Y/N is talking about.." I nodded my head while walking towards the canteen with her..

"Hey , Lisa !" A brunette girl walked past us , high fiveing Lisa "Hey , Somin Unnie ! See you later !" I looked at Lisa kinda judging her..she doesn't just know the people from dance Major , she knows every person in this college , which is kinda creepy , cause being the kid of the rector , you'll think I would know everyone , I don't even know a half of the people in this college...

"Finally you're here ! I thought we will have to eat without you.." Jisoo took our hands guiding us towards the table were the Two Chae-Young were speaking and laughing , Y/N was  slowly eating her food while Dahyun was staring at the wall..

I put my arms around Y/N's waist , making her to jump up and the noodles from her chopsticks flowing around , making the others to laugh and her to put her hand on the left part of her chest , breathing hard..

"You scared me !" She puts the chopsticks down , looking directly into my eyes and I took my time to clean a corner of her lips with my thumb then kissing her cheek , I sat next to her and started to eat her food..

"Yah ! That's mine !" She tried to take the chopsticks from my hands , but as she couldn't , she dragged me by my waist close to her "Yah ! Stop or get a room !" Was what Dahyun told us while finally breaking the staring contest with the wall

"We have one , but it's too away..anyway , where's Nayeon Unnie ?" Y/N handed me her cup of coffee while speaking with Jisoo Unnie..

"Oh , Right..she said she isn't feeling she went back at the dorm , she said JeonYeon is gonna keep her company.." Jisoo wiggled her eyebrows , making me to cringy and have a disgusting look on my face..I would not stay on Nayeon's bed never again..

"Y/N !" Everyone turned her attention toward a girl that was waving her hand at us , Dahyun made a squirrel sound and cover herself behind Jisoo , falling down , but fast hiding again..

"Oh ! Hi..." Y/N waved her hand also as the girl was heading towards us..

"Momo , Hirai Momo ! Sorry for not telling you my name last time..happens one of my friends was Searching for me , May it be okay if I stay with you ?" Y/N nodded...I started studying this girl named Momo , she really looks like how Y/N had described her , she's looking at Y/N with a big smile which I don't really accept so I put my arms again around Y/N , kissing her shoulder , neck , Cheek and at final Lips , a smirk appearing on my face when she made a straight face..

"Oh , Lisa ! Hi also ! Sorry , in a bit flappy today !" They started to laugh "Don't say sorry Momo , anyway , let me show you the others ! She's Jisoo , but you can call her Unnie , she's Dahyun , Chae-Young and Chae-Young , The little Chae-Young we are calling her Tiger cub and the other one you can call Chipmunk or Rosie , you and Y/N already know eachother and she's Jennie , Y/N's Roommate and girlfriend !" All got up and bowed with eachother and me too , even if I already don't really like her , I have to show respect..

I wanted to take again Y/N's chopsticks , but she took them away , making me to be look sad ! "Yah ! If you don't let me to eat maybe just a taste ! You know that I didn't eat since morning , Kitten ! And it's late to go and buy food !" I used my baby voice and my cat seductive eyes after , Looking straight into her Y/E/C ( Your Eyes Color ) orbs , until she let out a sigh and finally handing me the chopsticks and bowl , but I shook my head..

"No , you have to feed me !" I made her looking seriously at me , then she started feeding like I was a child , a grin appears on my face "What I would do for you , my big baby !" I continued to grin while looking at that Momo , her eyes being fixed on us , exactly like the others..

"Yah ! Dahyun already told you two to take a room ! We are already full of your PDAs !" I started to laugh looking directly at Lisa who was trying to keep a straight face "A-aniyo ! I-i didn't say not- ! I gotta go !" A red faced Dahyun started run out of the canteen , well.. she's really whipped for this girl , how cute..

"Yah ! What's wrong with Dahyun ? She has been acting weird this days.." I winked at the tiger cub , making her face a confused face until me and Y/N started to laugh "You'll find out soon , Chae-Young.."

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