Chapter XLIII

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"Yahh ! Take it slow ! I can't run fast !" I screamed after Lisa and JeonYeon who runned away from me and Momo , my hand was brushing hers , why is this feeling so awkward ?

"They really do have energy.." Momo spoke , crossing her arms at her chest , I nodded , sighing after "I know right ?" She scoffed...

It's was a cute Image , The sun was going down as Me and Momo walking near the river Han , while Lisa and JeonYeon were trying to run after a cat that they saw , Of course , I couldn't keep up with them , as Momo was too bored to even Breathe , but glad she still did

I took my phone out as it vibrates , A lot of messages from Jennie..and when I say a lot , I really mean it..

Jennay : C'mon Y/N ! You know already I'll never hurt you !

Jennay : You know how much I care about you , it was just a part of my past that I want to forget about..

Jennay : Please come back.. please understand me !

Jennay : Please don't be so promised you'll never hurt really do by ignoring me , you know..

Jennay : Y/N.. please ? I love you Y/N ! Please , let's take it back..I can't live without you...

Jennay : Kitten ? We have been know eachother since we were little , why to broke our Relationship now ? Just for this ?

And they keep on much as I tried to ignore them..I have to be honest.. they'll drag me down soon and they already do , I don't know what to do also..

"Whatcha doin' ?" Momo patted my Shoulder gently , I showed her my phone screen , letting her to read the messages , her face expression being worse than mine..

"She isn't giving up so easily , huh ?" I shook my head "She'll give up soon..hope so.." I faced her and then trowed my arms around her shoulders , hugging her "She will..Trust me , for now , Close your phone or block her number.." I nodded and broke the hug , seeing Lisa and JeonYeon approaching is while catching their breaths..

Jennies's POV

"C'mon , Unnie ! Stop thinking about her , she'll understand you.." I shook my head at the brunette that was slowly Petting my back "She'll never.." she scoffed , Crossing her legs "Unnie , you shouldn't think like this..she will , cause she loves you and you know that ! Im sure she'll Be back here..I promise Unnie !"

Rosie side hugged me , maybe she's right , but I can't trust nobody now..

"I don't know Rosie..But I know she isn't gonna come back to me.... she's hurt..." "She is Unnie , but it's your fault the way..may tell me why ?" I shook my head , im not gonna lose an another person because of my stupid past..

"Okay.. it's your privacy , but no matter what happened we'll find out..but for now Just rest , okay ? Your eyes are red and swollen , I'll stay until you sleep okay ?" I nodded as she smiled innocently at me and left into the kitchen , I took my phone from the night stand and looked in ours chat , nothing...

BUT ! She had read the messages ! I should keep on texting ? Should I give her some space ? Or should I-

"Unnie ?" Chae-Young poked her fingers in front of my eyes , making me to jump and look at her "Let's eat , the dinner is ready.." I nodded and jumped from my bed..


"Im bored.." Momo trowed herself into her bed , hugging Piguri "Sure I don't bother-" "Why Would you bother ? I told you already , you are gonna stay here this Weekend , I don't want you to go back there , okay ? It is hurting you so you have to stay here , im sure Sana isn't gonna get mad , I'll be the one to sleep into her bed , and you'll sleep into mine , okay ?"

I nodded "You said You're bored , let's watch a movie ?" She jumped from the bed , looking excited "Really ? What Movie ?" I chuckled , sitting down next to her "How about The Rings ? This one that had appeared this year ?" Her facial expression changed , looking scared..

"T-The R-rings ?" She gulped "Yes , have you saw it ?" She shook her head , looking down after "I-im scared to watch horror movies.. they're too scary , them and.. heights , rides.." I Chuckled , lifting her chin up using my fingers "Then Im here ! And if you don't want to watch is okay..we can watch-" "No ! We are gonna watch it ! But..C-can I hold onto you if something is scary ?" I nodded

"You can even Cling into me , if you want we can even cuddle.." she smiled , nodding and picking up her Laptop..

We started the film and we were sitting on her bed , Piguri between us and I was holding a bowl of popcorn on my thighs , In the movie , when the Airport started to fill with blood and that girl Coming out of the monitor , Momo started Screaming and she trow Piguri away , hugging me , I was a bit stiff and she noticed that..

"Aniyo ! Keep hugging of you're scared , I was a bit stiff cause I was taked aback , but it doesn't-" Momo interrupted me by screaming , I dragged her closer and stay like this , barely at the middle of the movie , I noticed that she couldn't look anymore , she was shaking so I paused the Movie..

She opened her eyes , looking at me , her eyes were shaking , she's really scared..

"Wae ?" She asked "You're scared , We don't need to watch it..But it's already late , get sleep , okay ?" She nodded , I wanted to get up from her bed and go to the bathroom "Y/N , C-can I sleep next to you ?" I tilted my head , then smile "Of course you can , it's your dorm , do what you want !" She thanked me..

I got up again , getting ready to sleep "Y-you mind if I back hug you ?" I chuckled , she must be scared...

"Not at all...if it's making you to feel safe just do it , don't ask.." her shaky arms were going shyly around my waist..her front slowly touched my back , making her to pull a bit away , I chuckled again , picking her hand , uniting it with mine and dragging  her close , this time her front bumping hard into my back..

She finally relaxed..but..why do I feel it like Déjà vu ?

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