Chapter LIII

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I went into Mine's and Jennie's dorm , is kinda late , Me and Momo had stayed on the rooftop talking about different subjects until we didn't even realised the time passed so fast..

Jennie was already sleeping , so I decided not to disturb her...I tiptoed to the bathroom after taking some clothes to change and took a bath , after then went to sleep..

But before putting my phone To charge , it started vibrating..

Moguri : I guess.. Forgot to tell you good night.. Probably you're already asleep..

Me : No..I'm not sleeping , I just finished taking a shower , has Sana come yet ?

Moguri : Two minutes ago..a long flight..

Me : it really worths Flight to Japan just a weekend ?

Moguri : Believe does..just seeing your family for a does...when you haven't see them for a long time it does..

Me : if you say so..anyway , go to sleep.. it's late..

Moguri : Just if you're going too..

Me : Good night..

Moguri : Good night..

I will have a good sleep..

"Y/N ! Woke up !" I sighly open my eyes , seeing Jennie on top of me , shaking me , I groaned , pushing her down and covering my face with the pillow , blocking the light from my eyes "Woke up , idiot ! We need to get ready for College.." I slowly moved the pillow from one of my eyes , giving her a mad look "Since when are you calling me idiot ?" She chuckle "Since when you decide to not woke up , you have thirty minutes to get ready...c'mon..I don't want to be late because of you..

I scoffed , pushing myself up from the bed and lazily walking to the bathroom to get ready , took me twenty minutes , while Jennie didn't stop screaming at me to get ready faster , until I finally took my backpack and put my hair in a ponytail...

I was wearing leggings and a large-sized t-shirt , which at my armpits you could see my push up , anyway..she took hers and we started walking towards the her car , getting in and she drived to the college , we had five more minutes until the first class was starting , I sat on my chair , waiting for the others to arrive , as I saw Chae-Young entering the class after the bell rang , fortunately , the teacher wasn't here yet , so she's good to go..

"Somebody's got today~ " I chuckled , hitting the back of her head playfully when she sat next to me "What's with this sportive appearance , I thought you'll still go on jeans and shirt"

"Not today , Chaeng..after college I want to go and run..want to come ?" She shook her head in horror "I'm not good at running , I better stay in bed and sleep , but you could ask your crush about it.." I nodded "Maybe I will , I think I'll have maths with her.." she nodded , raising up when the teacher came into the room..

A long hour while me and Chae-Young were texting eachother , until the teacher left the class , we took our backpacks and decided to go in the backyard..

Seems that the students who were having P.E haven't finished yet , so we sat with our backs against an old tree , looking around "Are you looking for someone ?" I shook my head "Just bored..what would we do with this free hour ?" She sighed , letting her head to fall on my shoulder "I don't know , maybe we can go to the canteen or back at the dorms.."

"By the way , what's Dahyun Unnie doing ?" She moved her hair from her face "Good..She doesn't have classes until ten today , bit she was up..she was the one to woke me up so..we can go and stay with her.." I chuckled..

"Chaeng.. Do you have feelings for her ?" She wided her eyes "W-What ? N-no !" Her reaction was cute.. "Sure...I can sense can't hide from me.." she sighed "It is that obvious ?" I hummed making her to cover her face and again let her head to fall on my shoulder "Ya ! You shouldn't hide this from your best friend.. " she sighed , looking annoyed at me..

"Ah..geudeul-eun mueos-eulhabnikka? ( 그들은 무엇을합니까? - What I'm gonna do ?) , How do I tell her ?" I pat her shoulder , using my right arm that was  around her "Well..there are two solutions , first : you tell her and get the risk to be rejected or accepted , or second : you make her fall in love with you.."

"How do I make her to fall in love with me then ?" I sighed "Try to make her happy..I everything for her , make her feel that she's loved , or make her to make the first move , like if it's rains , say that you're scared , and you want to cuddle , it is a move , made by her as you just asked for..make her feel protected and like you'll do everything for her.."

She nodded , smiling as her dimples were shown "You have me an idea ! I guess I'll go and speak with her now !" She fast took her backpack and started running , I laughed looking at her until she was out of my sigh..I again looked around until I closed my eyes , enjoying the wind blowing in my face and the noise of the leaves moving in the wind..

"All by yourself ?" I open my eyes seeing Momo was all sweaty , she sat next to me and I hummed "I like what you wear.." I chuckled , pushing her lightly "Why are you all so shocked to see me wearing sporty things ?" She laughed , setting her head on my lap , my hand automatically went to it and brushed it "Cause you originally wear Skinny Jeans and cardigans , that's why.."

I kept on looking at her face "Did you just come to college ?" She hummed "I went for a run , so yeah..I'm a bit sweaty , I was planning to take a shower , but Sana had been in the bathroom for more than a hour now , I was having P.E now , I decide to come and take a shower here after the class.." I nodded "So aren't you coming for a run with me after college ?" She nodded "I the way , may I stay with you for this hour ? The teacher couldn't come and I don't want to stay in class..too noisy.."

"Of course you can..but you better take a shower now , if you don't want to be have clothes to change ?" She nodded again "in my locker from the locker room..I hope I still have , if Sana Didn't took them.." I chuckled , she opened her eyes "Did I ever told you how much I like your chuckle ?" I shook me head..

She got up and also helped me , took my hand and we walked towards the locker room , she opened her locker , handing me different things , like a mini backpack , two trainers and different notebooks , then she took her clothes "What are you doing with all of this here ?" She took them and trowed them into the locker again "Just..basic things , that mini backpack is full with pills , I'm like a pharmacy" we laughed "You can wait here or come with me at the showers , it should be empty.."

I decided to go with her and wait for her to finish , took her ten minutes and when she came out , her hair was wet , with a towel around her shoulders , oh lord.. that's making her to look more hot..

She was me gulping and started posing "Like what you see ? You can take a picture , last much longer.." I moved my look away from her , Hoping that she didn't saw me blushing , she chuckled , her arms keeping her balance on the wall that was against my back , she looked directly into my eyes , making me to melt inside..

"Why so nervous , Y/N ? Let's go.." I nodded , still gulping "B-But where are we going ?" She she chuckled , taking my hand "Let's eat !"

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