Chapter LIX ( Smut Warning II )

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I open my eyes , seems that we fell asleep while be honest its been a long time since I had such a good sleep..well..more like a nap..I looked around , I was still hugging Jennie , her face still burried into my chest , her grip still tight around me , I tried shaking her but she is still asleep..good thing she's resting finally , i thought she'll still try to feel less scared , but i guess im wrong..

I pushed her face up from my chest and looked at it closely...she looks like she's having a peaceful sleep , I kissed her forehead , earning a groan from her , loosing a bit of the grip she was having around my waist , I brushed my fingers through her hair , making her to groan again and turn around , but she catched my wrists and puts my arms around her waist "Let's stay like this more...I finally could had a good sleep.." I dragged her closer to me , kissing the back of her head , hearing her sighing..

after some time I heard her breath softing , which means she's asleep , I pushed myself up and looked at her face...her mouth slightly open , which i could is driving me crazy...I mean..she really does look like a kitten while sleeping , I was looking directly at her lips , those pinkish lips were the things I used and I use to melt for...that perfect shape they are having and also how they look so puffy...

I lowered myself , now exploring all her face with my eyes , but something was really strange..You know that feeling when you're next to you soulmate ? More like barely on top of them ? That's exactly the feeling im having right now...That feeling of breath hitching just by looking at her , that feeling of butterflies in your stomach just by thinking at her...but not just that...I also feel protected and somehow loved...

"Stop staring...i can't sleep.." I jumped back behind her , hearing her chuckling "Ya..I was joking Y/N...Come here.." She turned to face me , a happy smile being plastered on her face "Do you still know when we used to be more close than just this ?" She caressed my cheek using thumb , I nodded , I know what she wants to do and I can't say I dont..

"I miss being like that.." I felt my cheeks burning under her cold hand , the gap between us was slowly , this time..I won't stop it from not happening..

Her lips finally touched mine , it was just a simple kiss , I think the thing that I kissed back shocked her , but I just felt like this..I missed the taste of her lips..She started moving her hand from my cheek to my neck , also her lips going on a rough move..but sincronizing with mine , it was just mind blowing...she was mind blowing , I couldn't control myself just to let out a moan , giving her a chance to slide her tongue in , fighting wiht mine over dominance , she got up from our position and sat on my stomach without breaking the kiss , I was taken a bit aback by the sudden alert move that her tongue was dancing with mine..

But I finally managed to put my hands on her hips as she was grinding on me , I didn't want to stop..Im sure both of us wanted this for a long time...well I did and how rouhgly her kiss is you could simply say that she wished this to happen...probably more than me...she finally brokes the kiss , gasping for air , but then continuing her work on my neck , practically sucking the life out of me while also biting and nibbling on it , i tilted my head , giving her more access to my neck , giving all my voice on moans and groans , trying to cover them bitting my isn't night or something so probably the others from the next dorm might hear us ..

Her bites and licks went more down , also going with my shirt who was unbottoned by her sneaky hands , reavealing my black bra that was under it...

I managed to look up at her and see herself trying to get rid of her top , so my hands who were on her hips , I dragged it over her head and toss it somewhere on the floor , her cold hands travelling on my stomach , I stopped her from going more down by using my finger to get down the belt from her jeans and trow it on the floor , the noise it made making our breaths hiching , but this time she was faster and unbotten my jeans , already dragging them off and sat between them , but walking like a lion who has his meat in front of him and wants it just for him..

You could see something that I haven't saw on her eyes since I know her...lust..needs and dominance , those cat-eyes never fails on hipnotising you...I was so taken aback by her lips crushing again into mine , her hands pawing my breast , I noticed that my bra was now gone..I guess she really can make me lose myself so bad that i even forget whats happening..

I let moans transfering into her mouth , lowering them as much as she could , but not enough to probably stop the next dorms to hear it , she haa barely touched me and im already a mess "You're driving me crazy , Y/N.." She said after breaking the kiss and traveled her eyes on my body , sitting again between my legs and pushing them wider , ripping my underwear that I'll probably need to trow after this day and kneeled down , I felt her breath on my lower abdomen , slowly kissing towards my ineer tights and womanhood , making me to already buck my hips up and my fingers curling violently into her hair..

"Why so needy , Kitten ?" I moaned as the nickname came back..I was and I'll ever be so in love when she uses it with me and just with me "Beg for it !" If i wasn't in this stage of could not speak or do something except breathing and enjoying I'll probably give her a weird stare..but who im lieing ? Im loving the way she talks..

"Beg for it , Kitten.." I felt her fingers brushing very close to my folds , which drived me crazy..I can't take this anymore "J-Jen...Please.." I know she's all smirking right now "Please what , Kitten ?" is she serious ? She really does want me to speak..when I can't even keep my breath normal but she haven't touch me yet..

"F-Fuck me.." She chuckled "Hard and Fast ? or Vanilla and Slow-" 'For fuck sake , Jennie Kim ! Just do it already !" I finally screamed out my lungs..she'll probably just tease me..but I can't handle it more.. "As your wish.." I felt her fingers going inside me , scrissoring which made me cry out a long moan , she continued to keep the slow peace , enjoying seeing me like this..she groaned and started eating my out..making me arch my body better , trying to not let any loud moans out , but she sucked on my clit making me to scream her name , finally realeasing all the moans , groans and screams i was trying to keep into me..

she added an another finger , bumping them slowly , letting me to ajust with it , then going rough again , I was left a moaning mess...again by the miss Jennie Kim who couldn't control her hormones anymore , it just helped her going so roughtly on me ,her tongue was like on fire , she can rap was normally to be that fast , but I couldn't even control myself , so I started to not find a great possition on her bed , she sensed i was like really near..and then..she stopped , making me to whimper and groan missing the warmth of her mounth and fingers "Keep it in , Kitten..don't cum until im saying you too.." I nodded harshly..

Why she has to be a monster in bed ? But I also can't handle it more , and she started eating me out much i try to keep it is so hard..

"J-Jen- Plea-se-" I was cut of by moans was so near , my legs were shaking violently "Do it for me , Kitten.." Those words had drag me off edge..I released myself , as she helped me to ride out my high , then licked her finger and her lips , looking into my eyes like trying to seduce me more than I was already..

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