Chapter LXIV

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It's was already morning..I just could not sleep all night thinking about that stupid exam for today..I guess I'll do bad as I didn't studied anything..I just hope I'll be doing something great..

I decided to get down from the bed at five am , cause..why not ? But it's was cold so I still dragged the blanket with me on the sofa and laid there watching TV..

"What's wrong with you ? Why you're awake at this hour ?" I looked towards Jennie who was holding her head..I guess she's having a headache , no wonder why she's even mad than normally she is..

"I just couldn't sleep.." she got up groaning and went into the bathroom , while I just sat still , staring at the door waiting for her to come out..

And when she finally did , I catch her wrist and made her lay next to me , under my blanket as I hugged her waist , her eye brows were barely a line and slowly going back to normal as her head was resting on my arm , and I was slowly running my fingers through her hair..

I kissed her cheek , her jaw and then her neck multiple times before bitting it and making her grip into my arm that was around her waist and let out an airy moan "Y-Y/N , stop..I'm too lazy and my head hurts.. keep it for an another time.." I nodded "You should be resting..don't you have the exam today ?"

"Yes , I do..but I can't rest having all that pressure on me.." she sighed "Yeah...I know how it is , but don't worry ! You'll do great..and don't forget to wear something warm and cosy.. it's cold outside , especially on the morning..I don't want you to catch a cold or something.."

We stayed in silence , looking at the TV while she was barely asleep , again.. "Oh yeah..I looked online for something we're we could go.." I hummed , trying to be concentrated on the show "But I could not find anything to rent.. everything is taken or I was thinking.. should we all go to Nayeon's Unnie House ? She lives alone and her parents are still in Japan..they won't come as they never did.." I hummed again "or we could just be me and you..with our parents Togeher at my family's villa in GangNam..and have a happy family Christmas !"

"You chose..both of them sound well...But I think that I'll be choosing the second one..more private and chilly..and if we all would be a mess.." she nodded "then the second one is ! Good choice , Kitten..but now shouldn't you get ready ? It's half past six already.." I looked at the clock , sighing and nodding "Yeah.. I'll be in the bathroom then.."

After that..I took a shower and packed everything that I needed , I didn't left without a courage kiss from Jennie and a hug , then when I arrived in the classroom , It was already fool.. everyone reading , studying or even making copies so they can cheat , I looked for my sit next to Chae-Young who was having her earphones on and writing down on a notebook something..

"Ya.. Chaeng.." I pat her shoulder , making her to look at me and put down her earphones "Annyeong Y/N ! You're kinda late.." I nodded "What are you doing ?" She looked at the notebook "I write everything that I know I'll keep them into my mind and know what to should try ! It works !" I hummed..

"You didn't studied even a bit for this exam , right ?" She hummed "You ?" I shook my head "Just what I studied with you.." she chuckled "Same-" the teacher got in , What's wrong is that I haven't saw Doyeon anywhere..I guess as she didn't did even half of the year she isn't gonna take it ? She's lucky..

"Good class ! So everybody is here ! Every major will have basically the same questions..but the differences will be at some questions that are about your major ! Just pay attention to them , read them for million times and then decide to answer ! If you'll dare to teach.. you'll repeat the year ! Just that you need to know ! You'll begin when I finish giving everyone the files who are having their name on it ! You'll have two hours to finish those.."

I sighed..this would be hard.. but as Mrs Kang said...I have to pay attention , read them for million times and answer once..

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