Chapter XL

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I tried my best to find Jennie around the school , but she wasn't anywhere , I was looking through my contacts , searching for her number , when I suddenly bump in someone "Sorry-" I stopped when I saw her face "Oh ! Don't say sorry Y/N , it's okay !" The nerves inside me started to boil  "Why did you two hide it from me ?" She tilted her head , Probably confused..

"Hide what ? Are you okay ?" I closed my eyes a bit , trying to keep myself calm "Why didn't One of you told me about your scholarships in Japan ? About Jennie Being your ex and Cheating on you with an another girl ? Where the heck is she now ?", I finally let everything out..

She moved her gaze down , looking at the floor "So you found out..and it's seems that not from Jennie.." I scoffed and continued my walk towards the dorms , I don't know what I'll do if I see her , if she tells me that it's true , but Nayeon already approved it to me..

I unlocked our dorm , if it's lock , Jennie isn't home , where this girl is ?

I tried calling her all day , I even asked students around the college , also from her Major , but none of them saw her after Lunch and even she hurted me this is worrying me ! I trowed myself on her bed , why is this happening to us ? Isn't like we had problems like this all at all...

I heard the door opening and I fast jumped from her bed , but it wasn't her , I trowed back as Dahyun got inside "Hey , are you alright ?" I nodded my head "You don't seem alright , what happened ?" I told her what Momo told me , her expression getting darker by everything that I said..

"Are you sure ? I mean..sure Momo isn't lieing ! A goddess like her can't lie , but sure you're sure ?" I chuckled "Nayeon approved it to me already..and now I don't find Jennie anywhere , before my class with Momo to start I was with Jennie inside and she said we'll see later , but she keeps rejecting my calls , I didn't see her at Lunch and I asked everyone , also the people from her major..Nobody has saw her.."

"But I did saw her.." I fast looked at her and stop spinning my phone "Where ?" She took my phone from my hands and put it on the table "Before coming here , she was speaking with a boy , he was tall , but I think the shortest guy I ever saw , he was Blonde..." Blonde..Short..I don't a any boys are short... "I also Saluted her and she saluted back , she asked me about you , I told her I'll try to see if you're here.." I jumped a bit , kind making her to be ready to fall backward , but I fast held her hand and we started to laugh..

"Do you mean that is possible for me to find her in going to search for her now ?" She nodded , jumping from the bed "I'll come to you outside , I also forgot why I came to look for you , but I'll go back into my dorm and Probably sleep.." I laughed as she helped me to get up..we got out and I locked the dorm , then run outside , where I saw her sitting on a bench , looking through her phone..

"Jennie ! Baby !" I screamed towards her , she fast moved her gaze to me and smiled , the sweetest smile ever , but I have to be strong..

"Y/N , kitten !" She runned towards me , I took her in a hug and kissed her forehead "Jennie..I want to" she continued to smile , nodding her head , I took her hand and walk up with her , she took the keys from her jeans pack pocket and unlock our dorm room , after that bumping me into the wall and started kissing me neck..

"J-Jennie , st-top !" She after looked confused at me "What's wrong ? I thought you wanted to talk.." she pounted , but I kept hard "Not that type of talk..I just want you to be honest with me about something.." she moved her gaze down , her cheeks transforming into a bright pale pink , making me to feel soft inside..

I made her to sit on her bed and I also sat in front of her "Okay , go ahead..what do you want to talk about ?" I sighed "Jennie... it's true that there all a lot of things you need told me about ?" She furrowed her brows "Eh ?" Was everything that she told me "Jennie , please answer me...Is true that you had a scholarship in Japan ? That you and Nayeon had a relationship ? You cheated on her ? You used to be a bully ? You used Momo to try and get Nayeon back ?"

She lowered her head , looking at her manicure "So you find out ?" I could feel that she's hurt , but how about me ? My childhood friend and at the same time my girlfriend lied to me.. "Why did you didn't told me ?" She didn't say something "Jennie , answer me before im Getting mad !" I shook her shoulders , making her to look at me..

"C-cause..that's something that I want to delete from my past.." tears we're rolling down her cheeks "But why didn't you told me nothing ? Who else knows this ?" She sniffed "J-just , You and Nayeon and also seems that Momo too..but im Sorry-" "You're sorry ? You're sorry for lieing to me ? Lieing to your girlfriend ?" She sniffed harder , I cupped her face and made her look at me , I wiped her tears using my thumbs "Tell me..why ? Why the heck did you do that ?" I raised my voice , her tears started to roll faster..

"P-please don't shout-" "Answer me !" I shouted harder , pressing on her cheeks "I-its hurting me Y/N !" She shouted back , I took my hands from her cheeks that now we're getting red , from my strong pressure , but also from the fact that she's crying...

"Oh , im sorry for hurting you , but my heart is more bad than that , it's hurts harder than should I keep on trusting you ? I understand it's been some years since we saw eachother , but why didn't I found this out from you and I did from Momo ? I know her for about a week and she told me everything that she knows !" She choked on her own saliva "Y-Y/N , that's what she wants ! Why can't you see , she's trying to break us apart !"

I got up from her bed , seeing her so vulnerable was hurting me harder than she lieing to me "She was the one to lie to me ?" I clenched my fist , I could feel her hand curling around my wrist "P-please just listen to me ! I'll told you what happened that time at my car-" , I forced her to break the grip on my wrist , she got scared and cover her head and face..was she thinking I'll hit her ?

"there's nothing to talk about..not now.." "B-But , please ! J-just listen to me.." As much I want to hear what she wants to say , it's was hurting me too much to see her like this , I tried my best to move towards the door , but my legs were like stone , my body refused to move

" listening.." she sniffed and let a hiccup out "T-that day , I was waiting for you in front of M-my car , and she came towards me...S-she asked if we are together and I said yes , t-then she tried to hit me , but I was expecting that so I protected myself , B-But she told me she would do everything to destroy me and our relationship , please Y/N , D-dont let that Happen ! I really do love you ! I loved you since we were little , but I was so scared that you aren't gonna accept me anymore.."

"I don't know Jennie..I don't know who I should keep trusting or who I get out of my life.." This Time I forced my legs to move , she didn't say nothing more , she continued to cry , but harder , I couldn't take it anymore and I head out of the door , trowing myself against the wall and slide down until I was sitting on my knees..

"Who should I keep trust ? Why is this so hard for me ?" I told myself as I let tears to run down my cheeks..I grabbed my shirt in the place where the heart is and to form a fist "I-its hurts so much.." I continued to cry...

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