Chapter LXII

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As Jennie and Doyeon went to get that book , I decided to wait for them and go back with them..

"So..What is with this book ?" I asked , taking it from Jennie's hands and look at it ",,SonniM,, by Hwang Sok-Yong.."" (손님 - ,,The guest,, A very good Korean book ! I seriously recommend it ! )

"Yeah..he told me to buy it for him..Your dad told him about it.." My dad ? "Anyway..are you two coming in with me or Waiting here ?" I fast raised my hand "Here !" She chuckled , going in..

I let a sigh and took put my backpack on the floor , after that , feeling warm arms around my waist , making me stiff "Hello.." Oh is Momo. What I'll do now ? I fast covered the left part of my neck using my palm , making it to look like I'm rubbing it , good thing she was having her head on my right shoulder..

"You scared me.." I said Chuckling , earning a kiss on my cheek from her "Sorry..what are you doing here ? I thought you're free today.."

"Well..yeah..But I came here with Jennie , and by the way.. she's Kim Doyeon , the same year as me !" Doyeon bowed to her , but Momo signaled her not to "Where's Jennie then ?"

"She went to give her dad a book..anyway , are you free later ?"  She hummed , releasing the grip around my waist "Yes..want to meet with Me ?" I nodded "Let's meet like in two hours at our place..I have to tell you something.." she nodded..

Jennie went out of her dad's office and the smile she was having disappeared when she saw Momo "What are YOU doing here ?" You could sense from her voice that she's already annoyed "Chill , Jennie..I just saw Y/N here so I came to say hi.. I'll get going soon..I need to meet with Lisa ! I'll see you there then Y/N..Bye !" She kissed my cheek before heading back , I guess I'm happy she didn't saw them....

"Why would you meet her ?" I looked at Jennie , who was clearly mad.. "I have to talk with her.." she nodded "Let's go now.." We took our goodbyes from Doyeon at the dorms entry door and Me and Jennie went to ours , as we got in , she pinned me on the wall and Probably waiting for me to speak..

"Tell" I gulped "I-I wanted to tell her that..I don't like her.." she nodded "Just that ?" I hummed , her face relaxing , giving me a warm smile , but the grip on my shoulders was still tight , pinning me hard..

"Okay..I guess , but can I ask you something ?" I nodded " and Momo are together ?" I tried shooking my shoulders , but because of her I couldn't "I don't know..No.." She nodded "Then..You know..Be My girlfriend ? Again ?" I let a chuckle to escape my mouth , nodding my head "Of course..." The warm smile was still on her face , as she kissed my lips then finally let go of the grip on my shoulders and went to put her jacket down , I did also and trow it on my bed , then also myself , I felt the bed moving and I open my eyes to see Jennie laying on top of me...

"What are you doing ?" She ignored my question "Can you believe that soon is Christmas ? There are some days left from the Winter Holiday and then..I want to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with you ." I laughed , Caressing her hair "I know..But shouldn't we tell our pare about it ? I mean..We can go to Jeju island together..also with the girls..or just us would be fun.."

"But if we want shouldn't we already rent something ? Probably it's late for it..So.." I nodded "We should check something.." She sighed , looking at me "I'll look for something online later-" "You know what would be cool ?" She hummed "Going to New Zealand.."

"Good Idea ! And we can also invite the others !" I nodded , pushing her on my right , then puts her head on my stomach "Can you hand me your phone for a bit ?" She gave me her phone and I looked at the clock , it's been already two hours ? I sighed and got up , taking my jacket and put it on "Where are you going ?"

"I told you I have to meet with Momo... I'll be back fast !" She hummed , kissing my forehead and then pushing me out of the door..I guess she really wanted me to leave ?

Anyways..I went to the rooftop , she was already there , near the corner and looking at sky , I walked behind her and tapped her shoulder , making her to turn to me and gave me a warm smile "So..What did you want to talk about ?" I sat on the bench , and pat the place next to me , she also seems worried now..

"I have something to tell you , very important.." she chuckled , earning my attention "I also have something to tell you.. let's say at the same time.." I nodded "Okay..3...2...1" "I slept with Jennie ! / Be my girlfriend !" She was shocked.."What ?!" She got up from the bench..

I lowered my head , waiting for her to say something..but she also was staying quiet "What ?!" She repeated again , making me to look up at her "B-But.." she gasped.. letting her arms to fall next to her body , still with her mouth wide opened and her eyes looking like they are ready to fall..

"I'm sorry-" "Sorry ?! You could simple told me from the start you are using me..all this time you were playing with my feelings ! I let myself having hopes for this ?!" I still looked down , I don't dare to look into her eyes "I-I thought we could have something..I-I-" she sighed heavily "I didn't played with your feelings Momo.."

"You didn't ?! Then what you did ?" I sighed , getting up from the bench "I don't know , Momo..I thought I also feel something for you..but I discovered that I was using you as a rebound..I never wanted to..use you..But you're nothing more than a good friend of mine.." she turned to walk towards the door , but she stopped "I can't believe I even told you about this place..."

"Momo.." "No Momo , Y/N..forget it..Forget everything that happened-" "I can't ! I tried my best to trick myself that I love you..but everyone tried to open my eyes , until two of them succed..I don't want to lose your friendship because of this.. please.." I hold her wrist.. prevention her from walking away..

"Give me time , Y/N.." She succed to broke the grip and leave..I was standing there like I was Faded..I was staring at the door..she wanted to ask me to be her girlfriend and I told her I slept with Jennie..

Gosh..I guess I really drag her hopes high..I'm such a loser..I losed her friendship ? I hope I didn't..But I know I have to speak with her..she has to listen all and I think I'll need Sana's and Mina's help soon..

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