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I was walking through the park ,  seems that im not alone , somebody is holding my hand , I could see just a blurred figure , with Black hair..

"Do you want something to eat , Baby ?" Her voice was strange , I could recornize it..but not it wasn't Jennie "I want BingSoo !" The girl figure chuckled , running towards a stand as I was standing down , suddenly , I heard someone crying..this voice..

I looked around , next to a tree seeing Jennie "Jennie ! Are you okay what happened ?" I tried to embrace her , but she pushed me away "Don't you ever dare to talk with me again , Cheater !" Cheater ? But-

"What do you mean ? Jennie , are you alright ?" She moved her face from her hands "Just go at your Momori ! don't talk with me ever again ! " I tilted my head in confusion , what it's happening here ?

"Y/N !" I looked around , everybody was continuing it walk , Like they didn't heard nothing..

"Y/N !" My vision turned blurry as I was on my butt "Y/N ! Woke up ! Woke up !"

I took a deep breath , opening my eyes and jumped up from the bed..'s was a dream..

I barely knocked with Jennie's head if she didn't pulled a bit away "Are you okay ? You spoke on your sleep , kept on moving..and.. you're sweating.." I wiped the sweat from my forehead... she's right..

"I-i just had a dream..and you were crying and-" She hugged me , pushing me on the bed "It's was just a dream here , im alright for now and as you're next to me.." I pushed her on the right of me , she used my shoulder as a pillow , while hugging me "B-But-" "Let's sleep Y/N , okay ? No matter what you had dream about , It's gonna be okay now , let's sleep , you're telling me in the morning.."

She yawned , cuddling up with me , but I couldn't sleep , I stayed up and thinking about that dream..What.the.heck ?!

I squished her petite body against mine , until she opened her eyes and saw me staring at the ceiling , she cupped my cheeks , making me to turn my face to her "What's wrong , Kitten ?" I kept on staring at her eyes , those brown eyes that you can even see in this dark Black room , I can't believe I made that eyes to cry...

"Jennie , why you were crying ?" She made a confused look , staring at me "What do you mean ?" She kissed my nose tip "I-in the dream , you were crying and calling me cheater , that I should go at my..Momori.. who's Momori ?" She chuckled , kissing my cheeks "Kitten , it's was just a dream , don't think about it , okay ?"

"B-But if one day I'll make you cry ? I don't want to hurt you !" She kissed my lips , of course , without having a response from me , making her groan "Don't worry , if that day would come , it would come , I guess it's just a way to find out.." she continued to slowly kissing me lips , but she still didn't got any response , so she groaned and turned around "I guess you're really worried about it..but believe can't hurt me , please stop thinking about it.."

Jennies's POV

She really dreamed about that , didn't she ? I'll get her to think that it would be alright..

I felt her sneaky arm going around my waist , her front bumping into mine , she kissed my earlobe "I promised that would never happen , I'll do my best to keep you the happiest person alive !" She whispered against my skin , I feel so soft Right now..

I took her hand and united it with mine as it was still around my waist , she dragged me closer , her legs knoting with mine "I know that isn't gonna happen , let's sleep now , as much as we still have time.." she kissed my hair , before her cheek being put on my head...

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