Chapter LXVIII

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As our parents told us..we were up early..of course..just us..seems that they are still we both took a shower , wear some comfy , elegant and thick clothes , do something for them to eat and also were the first to leave the house and be in the mall early so we can see what to buy..

"So..what are you gonna buy to your parents ?" Jennie Looked around , bitting her lip "I think for my dad a Rolex and for my mom maybe..Chanel ? Or Gucci ?" I laughed "Your family really loves Gucci , right ?" She nodded , giving me a warm smile "Who wouldn't ?"

I hugged her waist , looking around with her "And you ?" "I know my mom really wants a new blue skin bag , so I'll look for one and also I'll buy some Teilor Jewelrs and for dad..he broke his phone some days maybe a new one.." she hummed "And for me ?" She used her aegyo voice..gosh..why is she so cute !

"For you , JenJen..I'm planing something special for you.. you'll see !" She nodded , kissing my cheek "let's break apart.. I'll go to different shops and you'll go to search for what you need , okay ?" I hummed , giving her a kiss and ran into the first shop I saw which is something based on different clothes..

The first one that I saw was a Saint Lauren shop and there I found a Blue Turtleneck pullover , I think it very pretty and it would look so good on Jen..I hope she'll like it also ! And guess what ! There I also found a Blue skin bag , also a big one ! So I bought it too ! I also asked for a normal hand bag for out those , especially her pullover , I don't want her to see it for now..

I went then to the little shop that was selling gadgets..I could say that I did asked for the best one for my is a Samsung one..a new one..I think it's good as he also dislikes iPhone a lot will probably be the best !

I texted Jen and see if she finishes , she's still on the shops Looking for something to buy to her mother..oh yeah ! I have to buy jewelrs ! I fast went to the Teilor shop and look for something that would have my mother to like it !

Exactly what I was searching for ! White gold earrings and necklace ! Perfect ! I continued to look on the shop..two rings were having my eyes , they were so beautiful..So I asked if I could write something on them for a special one..I guess I'll have to wait thirty minutes after I told them what I what to write on them..

Jennie : Hey , kitten ? Have you finished yet ?

She texted me now ? But I don't want her to know about those..why she couldn't wait just a bit longer ?

Me : Not really..I have to buy something for your parents too..just..gave me thirty minutes ?

Jennie : But can't we choose something together ?

Me : No ! I want to buy it alone..just..look around for something for me or also for my parents.. I'll text you when I'm done and we meet up in front of the Gucci store , okay ?

Jennie : sure thing , baby !

I sighed..and started to roam again in the mall..I found for her dad a beautiful tie and also a couple case .I guess I'll give two to her parents and an another two that I'll choose a model for me and Jennie..

Then I searched something for her mom..I found a camera..I know her mom is in love with taking she'll probably love this ! It's the new Cannon model ! I looked at the clock and I have five more I ran to the Teilor shop and they were already done ! I paid for it , they put it into a little black with pink shades box , exactly how I want it and then I saw Jennie coming into the store..I fast hid it Into the bag with her pullover and give her a warm smile..

"Finally I found you ! Did you have everything that you need ?" I hummed , kissing her cheek "okay then.. let's go home now !"

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