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Jaden's POV

The sun is shining, birds are chirping and today, is the Cyber Dojo Leagues charity tournament. "Papa, look at all the pros!" My nine year old son beamed grabbing my hand tightly. I looked down at his big smile, his hair was the slightly bit turquoise and his eyes a dark chocolate. He's beautiful and perfect, he's mine. Turns out since I fused with Yubel, I gained some additional parts and thus my son was born. I've been a single parent since I found out. I never told my partner, actually I ran off too scared and not knowing where to go. Seeing as my partner cheated I didn't want him to have any contact with my precious boy.

"Calm down Koyo," I laughed as we approached the entrance of the Kaiba dome.

"Papa, I'm going to sign up for the juniors, okay?" He asked yet sort of just explaining. I nodded and he let go of my hand and ran towards the registration desk. I spotted him as he met up with some of his friends from school. Today they were doing a junior league as a side event and the kids all got participating prizes. "Jaden?" I turned to see Syrus running. Towards me.

"Hey bud," I said giving him a high five. I looked at his dark attire. "Nice outfit."

He blushed as he messed with the sleeves. "Zane's idea." He mumbled.

"Speaking of where is he?" I asked them I saw Syrus blush more causing me to laugh. "Ah he's with a certain idol again huh? How long have zane and Emiko been together now?"

"13 years, give or take," Syrus shrugged. "Still no wedding date though."

"That's dragging a bit," I stated. "So anyway, lead the way to the changing room."

"What about Koyo?"

I looked over and noticed on of the mums from the school Stacy who had her daughter and son with her who were talking to Koyo. "He's all good. He's with Stacy."

"The one who keeps trying to hook up with you," Syrus laughed. I nodded. "Aw man. Don't give her the wrong ideas."

As we walked to the changing rooms we could hear laughing from one of the offices. We peered slightly though the gap of the open door, Zane and Emiko where sitting on the sofa but who were they talking to. Wait I know that voice, Alexis? I tried hard to hear the other voice and then there it was, "Jesse!" I gasped. Syrus stared at me, his eyes showed some worry. I felt slight panic sink in as I ran to the nearest bathroom. I looked the door and sat on the floor, my back against the door. Why? Why's he here? He's meant to be in Europe! I felt tears in my eyes. I ran away from Jesse ten years ago! He doesn't even know I was pregnant and now, he might see Koyo and what if he realises?

I can't, I can't put Koyo through that type of hurt at only nine. What am I going to do?

This is an old story (like mega old) from my fanfiction account. Always wanted to rewrite it and thought why not try now!

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