Part 11

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Jesse's POV

I sat dumbfounded across from Zane. He just told me that Jay was looking to go out next week and wanted to see if I wanted to take care of Koyo for the night with him as part of the agreed supervised visits. Jaden was going to a singles night. A singles night! Am I happy? No, not particularly. The 'mother' I suppose I should put it, is going dating. I guess Jaden must have gone on a few dates in the part 10 years but still, this is hard news to swallow. While Jaden and I have been growing closer again, Alexis and I are growing apart. It could be due to her new job and me joining a new league. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about ending this sham marriage. I would also be lying if I said I didn't think there was a chance I could be with Jaden again. I'm a terrible person. All these thoughts and more dawned on me as I knew I couldn't make the leap that I would want to. "What you say?" Zane said bringing me back to reality.  "Jay said he would have asked you earlier but he was a bit embarrassed."

I remained quiet. I really don't want Jaden to go to this night, do I? "Sure," I smiled, trying to hid the pain. "What about the miniature golf course? Then we can hit the movies."

"Sounds like a plan," Zane agreed taking a sip of his coffee. "Tell me, because Alexis' is a very good friend of mine, how the two of you actually ended up together. If you were so hung up on Jaden then I would have thought that you would be a bit more heart broken."

My eyes widened at the question. It wasn't a particular topic we enjoyed discussing. I scratched the back on my head as I started to explain. "We meet up while she was visiting Europe," I began. "After a few months she asked if I would consider marrying her as we both felt lonely. We enjoyed each other's company and to be honest." I went silent for a moment. "We had a one-night stand that lead to her getting pregnant."

I was worried as Zane chocked on his coffee. "You what!" He explained slamming the table with his cup.

"I was taking responsibility for my actions," I advised with a sad smile. "To be honest we were kind of happy and married a month after we found out but- But we lost it." I felt the tears run down my face as I continued to explain that Alexis suffered heavy bleeding after a fall at work and it meant we lost our baby. "While I love Alexis, I sometimes feel like I'm not in love with her." I continued to cry, hiding my face in my hands. "I'm a terrible person!"

I heard the sound of a chair pull away before feeling an arm around me.  "You're not a terrible person," He sighed stroking my back. "I think you're just a little lost at the moment. I think you need a time out to think about the whole situation. You can't keep pulling Alexis along something that neither of you are happy with."

I nodded still hiding my face. "I just want to do what's right by Alexis," I sobbed finally moving my hands. "But I – I don't know what I can."

"How about talking to Lexi?" He said.  "It'll be hard but that way you can both know what you want."

Again, all I could do was nod. Zane was right, I have to at least talk this out with my own wife. "I'll talk to her ASAP," I proclaimed.

"As her friend, and yours, it's all I ask," Zane said patting my back in assurance.

When I returned home I summoned up the courage to start the conversation, as I stood outside the front door. This was it, this moment will make or break our marriage. I took a deep breath before opening the door, Alexis was on the sofa, the room lit low room. Walking closer I noticed a suitcase next to her. "Lex," I tried to reach for her but she pulled away. I frowned taking a seat, looks like this was the end after all.

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