Part 35

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I stretched tall, trying to loosen by body. I’ve left Jaden asleep while I clean up the remains from yesterday's party. I’m not sure if it’s the hormones but he did seem really happy to be having two little girls. I couldn’t believe it myself. Two little princesses to join our family. “Good morning Jesse,” I looked to the stairs, seeing Jay’s mother, Martha, walking down. “I see you have a busy morning a head of you. It was a lovely party yesterday.”

“T-thanks,” I stuttered. Martha certainly is one if these women who ages gracefully. “Jaden was happy when he found out you could make it.”

“Miss the reveal of my new grandchildren?” She hummed and then shuck her head. “Not my style. Why don’t I put a pot of coffee on?”

“Please, I might be a while with the cleaning though,” I laughed nervously. “Guess I didn’t think this part through.”

Martha laughed as she walked past me and into the kitchen. I sighed, grabbing the garbage bags and started to clear the wrapping paper and streamers. Why don't I just hire a cleaner? And why did everyone gift wrap the gifts? There is so much paper.

After I cleaned up the rest of the paper and the streamers, I joined Martha in the kitchen. We sat at the table in silence for a while. She knows our situation. That Jay left me then I came back married but left my wife, got back with Jay, got Jay pregnant again, brought a house; wow. When you say it like that, a lot has happened these past few months. “So,” Martha began playing with her cup. “Have you and Jay started to think about a routine for when the twins arrive?”

“A routine?” I repeated. “Wouldn't that come naturally?”

She shook her head. “I mean for Koyo,” She said. “Like taking him to school, picking him up, making sure you have time for him. Having an additional baby will be one thing but having two is another level.” I sighed. With trying to get things ready for the babies we haven’t even thought about Koyo’s normal routine. “Jesse, from what I see and what I’ve heard from Jaden, you have become a very good father to Koyo but I don’t want the fact your having twins sacrificing that relationship.”

“You’re right,” I gave in. “I should make sure I put time aside for him but at the same time I don't want to leave Jay alone with the babies.”

“What if I volunteered on the weekends?” Martha asked and I raised a brow in confusion. “I’m looking to retire and I must admit the retirement apartments here are a reasonable price. I would like to be closer to my son and my grandchildren and helping where possible. If I help Jay the weekends while you help the weekdays, then you can have time for Koyo.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I was speechless.

“You will need someone to help with the school runs too,” She advised.

I thought for a moment. “Oh, Zane and Emiko’s son transfers in a month,” I started. “I bet they would be willing to help in the morning.”

Martha gave a warm smile, seeming to approve of the plan. Seems it settled then. In all the excitement with the twins, we nearly forgot how to keep Koyo included. Maybe I can find a father son group on the weekends to join? “What you two talking about?” Jay yawned stumbling into the kitchen.

He somehow made his way to the table, Martha getting up to get him a drink as he made himself comfortable. “Oh, I’m just gushing over the fact I’m about to have two lovely granddaughters,” She laughed placing the cup in front of Jay. “And how I’m looking to retired.”

Jay’s eyes widened in shock. “But you’ve always enjoyed working mom,” He exclaimed.

“Yes,” Martha laughed taking hold of Jay’s hand. “But I wasn’t there much for you growing up and now I want to fix that. Hope you won’t mind having me around so much.”

“Are you kidding?” Jay laughed, small tears forming. “Having you close by would make me so happy. I know Koyo would love that too.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I smiled.

I forget how little Martha was there for Jaden growing up. He said she was always on business trips but managed to make it back for the holidays. Now not only is this going to be a fresh start for Jay and I, it will be a fresh start for him and his mother too.

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