Part 7

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Zane's POV

The morning after the dinner was peaceful, Koyo and I decided to sit in the living room watching cartoons while we let Jaden sleep and Emiko was making breakfast. Days like this were the most relaxing, though it still goes through my mind knowing that Koyo's real father is Jesse and Jaden won't be honest with him. Koyo has always been a happy child and Jaden gives him a good life but a child needs both their parents.  "Hey Uncle Zane," Koyo started. "What do you think my dad's like?"

I was a bit taken back by the question. "Why do you ask?"

"All the other kids in school talk about how they have two parents," He said looking as if he was going to cry. "Sometimes they make fun of me for it."

I sighed, pulling Koyo into my lap and holding him close. "Those kids don't realise how lucky you are to have your Papa," I started, trying to think where am I going with this speech. "He does the job of two parents so you don't have to worry about things like that."

"Do you think my dad would like me?" He wiping his tears.

I smiled patting his head. "I'm sure your dad would love you," I assured him. "You're a bright kid with awesome duelling skills!"  He seemed to perk up as I mentioned his duelling. "Now don't you worry about those other kids anymore. If they say anything, go to the teacher. Or come to me, I'll sort them out."

Koyo just laughed, he and Jaden knew if anyone messed with them they would have to mess with me and believe me they wouldn't get away with it. Shortly after the cartoon finished breakfast was ready. I told Koyo to go ahead and start and I'd get Jaden out of bed somehow. Jaden was a light drinker to say the least and seeing as it past 10, he's probably suffering a slight hangover. I'm honestly not surprised that he was drinking a bit more than usual last night seeing we invited Jesse to the party. I haven't told Emiko about the situation, which isn't right but I can't betray Jaden's trust.  I knocked on the door softly, earning a small groan in return. "Time to get up Jay," I said opening the door. I Laughed noticing that he used one of the pillows to hide his face.  "Come on, it's pancakes for breakfast."

"Hmm, pancakes," He muttered removing the pillow and sitting up correctly.  He then turned to me and smiled widely. "Was Koyo much bother?"

"Not at all," I replied honestly. Koyo was never trouble, unlike someone I know. "He's just having his breakfast. Once you guys are done, I can drive you home."

"Thanks Zane," He mumbled standing up. "Oh, and also about what I said last night, that's just between us right?" Last night? If I remember last night I mainly consulted Syrus about as he couldn't stop tearing up about being my best man and then he panicked realising he needs to make a speech. "I was so out of it about the whole Jesse thing that I couldn't keep my mouth shut I guess."

"Jay, what do you think happened last night?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"You brought me upstairs where I started to sprout about the whole Jesse problem. I don't want you guys to stop liking him just because he cheated on me, you know?" Jaden seemed confused. I panicked. Oh crap, Jesse was the one who took him up to the room last night. I rubbed my hand over my face in stress. What do I say? Should I tell him who he admitted that too? He would probably freak out. "Zane, you okay bud?"

I just nodded as we continued to make our way downstairs and to the kitchen. "Babe, can we talk for a moment?" I am in so much trouble. Emiko nodded as she dried her hands after finishing with another dish. "Back in a moment guys."

We closed the door behind us as we entered the living room. "Why are you sweating like a pig?" Emiko said, her tone a little annoyed. "You have guilt all over you face so believe me when I say this better not ruin our wedding plans." I have no idea right now if she will be angrier at me or Jaden right now. I sighed heavily taking a seat on the sofa and encouraged her to follow my actions. "You have to be honest with me. Please."

I groaned. Why is this so hard? "Okay but promise me you won't explode seeing as Koyo is in the next room," She folded her arms and nodded. "A couple of weeks ago, I may have found out, by accident who Koyo's father is."

"And you didn't tell me?" Emiko exclaimed.

"It gets better," I laughed nervously. "Remember when Jaden said he was in a relationship with someone before he moved back here," She nodded, her eyes darkening. "Well that guy, who is also Koyo's father, is Jesse."

She didn't move for a while, remaining silent. Her face softened and it seemed realisation finally hit. I went on and told her about how when Jesse took Jaden to the room last night, he thought Jesse was myself and in a drunken slur talked about how Jesse didn't deserve to know Koyo because he cheated.  "Why didn't he tell us?" Was probably going to be the first of many questions.

"He didn't want us to stop liking Jesse," I explained. "I think it's also because he was hurt by what Jesse did to him. Oh sh- damnit!"

"What else could there be?" Emiko was starting to get confused.

"I told Jesse his address so they could meet up," I moaned. "That's why there's so much friction between them. God I'm an idiot!"

"Yes, you are," Harsh but fair. "If I'm correct, Jesse now knows about Koyo, by a complete mistake and Jaden think he said all this to you?" I nodded earning I pinch in my ear. "You are going to tell him everything!"

She let go and I grabbed my ear groaning. "But How should I go about it?"

"For someone who was top of the class you sure are dense," I laughed. "Once breakfast is finished talk to him. You have to be honest, if not for Jay, for Koyo."

I sighed knowing she's right. So know the plan is once breakfast is over Emiko will take Koyo to the park while I explain to Jaden what happened. 

Once Jaden and Koyo finished breakfast, the plan commenced. Jaden and I sat on the sofa bidding a farewell as Emiko and Koyo went to leave. "See you later, Papa," Koyo waved.

Emiko laughed opening the door but that she stopped. "J-Jesse?" She gasped.

I watched as Jesse stormed in, Alexis not far behind. "I'm his dad?" He yelled picking Jaden up by the collar.

Seeing red I grabbed hold of Jesse's wrist and twisting it so he let go of Jaden, who was shivering on the sofa. "Emiko, Alexis,I suggest you leave!" I said with a demanding tone. "Take Koyo with you." The ladies just stared for a moment, "Please go!"

"Alexis, come with Koyo and I to the park," Emiko said pulling her by the arm and out the house.

I threw Jesse onto the sofa chair, glaring at him. "Now, like adults we are going to talk this out!"

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