Part 38

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Jaden’s POV

I stood at the window to the nursery, just staring at my two beautiful daughters. I didn’t expect them to arrive almost 2 months early but I feel calmer knowing they are here now. The older one, who's on the left is Mia and the younger one by a couple of minutes is Lena and I love them already. “Papa,” I looked to my right seeing Koyo running towards me. I knelt down taking him into my arms. “Where are they babies?”

I stood back up pointing to the beds closest to the window. “There they are,” I showed proudly. “You’re a big brother now.”

Koyo turned, calling Shiro over to come look with Emiko and Zane following close by. “Silly question,” Zane laughed. “How you feeling?”

I laughed; it is a silly question. “A bit sore but you know,” I paused for a moment looking at the twins. “It’s all worth it.”

“They’re beautiful,” Emiko sighed happily. “So, names?”

“Mia and Lena,” I smiled. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”

I noticed Jesse walk up to us with a large smile. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder in a protective yet proud manner. “Sorry to have kept you guys waiting, I got a phone call as Koyo ran off,” Jess laughed. “Rose is going to bring Lily around later to give their best, if you’re up for more visitors later?” I nodded. We hadn’t seen Rose for a while so it would be nice to have a quick catch up. “Why don’t we head back to the room for a bit?”

“You got a private room?” Zane asked and Jesse nodded with a smug grin. “Lucky you and how did you land that?”

“I know a couple people,” I sighed at Jesse’s response. Truth is we requested the room a while back and fortunately due to circumstances we were able to get it. “Anyway, I’ll grab us all some drinks, you head back and rest.” With that Jesse kissed my head leaving for the café.

Back in the room Emiko helped me settle on the bed, resting my back against a large nest of pillows. Once I was settled Koyo jumped on the bed sitting next to me his back pack in his lap. I watched him closely as, with a large smile he pulled someone out of his bag. He handed the items over to me and it was two cards. A ‘Get Well’ one and a ‘Welcome’ card. I felt my heart swell up, seeing Koyo with that large smile still, obviously proud of his work. “Shiro helped me make them,” He grinned looking over to Shiro who nodded.

“Well thank you both,” I said kissing Koyo’s head. “It’s very nice of you to make these. There’s certainly a lot of glitter.” As I moved the cards, I noticed the trail of glitter on the bed. Maybe they went a bit nuts on the glitter, though Koyo never could resist arts and crafts at school and I remember him getting the glitter glue stuck in his hair. I laughed to myself, imaging the twins doing the same thing.

“When can the babies come home?” Koyo asked.

“Not until we know they are ready,” I explained. “Which might take a couple weeks but you can come visit us.”

“Does that mean you’ll be staying here too?” Emiko asked.

“I kind of don’t want to leave them,” I explained. “Must be maternal instincts kicking in.”

“Makes sense,” Zane smiled. “If Jess needs help, I’m sure your mom will be done in a heartbeat. Speaking of, where is she?”

“I sent her to go get me some clothes and some of the baby things,” I explained. With the babies arriving so quickly, I didn’t have time to prepare. “She’ll be back later on but I think she needs more rest then I do.”

“Surprise,” We all looked to the door, a big boquet of balloons blocking our view. We heard a giggle and when the balloons were moved Rose and Lily came into view. Lily ran over to Koyo’s side while Rose came to me and kissed my cheek. “Congrats on the twins. Jesse just showed them me. They are so tiny but so adorable.”

“It’s good to see you Rose,” I smiled though I saw it disappear. “Is eveything okay?”

She sighed taking a seat next to the bed. “Actually, I'm sorry we have to do this on such a happy occasion but, Lily and I are leaving town tomorrow and we wanted to say goodbye first.”

My eyes widened. Leaving town? “Rose, what’s happened?” Zane asked a look of worry on his face.

“Don’t jump the gun, Atticus and I have sorted everything out,” Rose began, sounding like she was trying to hide back tears. “He’s off Lily’s birth certificate and I’ve contacted her real father. We’re going to go live with my parents for a while so Lily can meet him.”

“How has lily been with all this?” Zane asked, luckily the kids had started to distract each other so we could talk.

“She’s a very brave girl and she understands,” Rose said. “We’re going to miss you all very much.”

I leant over the best I could, taking hold of her hand. “We’ll miss you too.”


Once visiting hours were over only Jesse was able to stay with me. We had a tearful goodbye with Lily and Rose but Rose promised us regular emails so the kids can stay in touch and Koyo went home for another sleepover with Emiko and Zane. I feel bad not being able to stay with him but he understands the babies need us at the moment.

Right now we’re sat at their beds, just watching over them. “They look so perfect,” Jesse sighed happily. “I’m so glad I was here for this.”

“I still can’t apologise enough for what happened,” I gave a small chuckle. “But weirdly, I don’t think we’d be here now if it wasn’t for everything we went through.”

“Well, all the matters now is that we’re here together,” Jesse grabbed hold of my hand and leant towards me. I leant in myself and our lips connected, out of anyone I could have had ass my baby daddy, I'm glad it’s with my best friend.

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