Part 32

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Zane’s POV

Today, Jess invited Shiro and I to come with Koyo and him to the park. For us, the children’s home said Shiro was making good progress with us and allowed him to stay in our care longer. All being well the adoption will be official within the next few months. Shiro’s gone from call us Ms and Mr to just our names so he’s been very open with us.

He’s also developing a good bond with Koyo, even though there’s a slight age gap. Koyo’s promised when Shiro joins his school he’ll take the best care of him. The two of them walked ahead of Jesse and I. Though when I saw walk, they ran seeing the see saw was empty. The two of us laughed finding a nearby bench so we could keep watch of them. “They seem to be the best of friends,” Jesse laughed. “You any further from making the adoption official?”

I nodded. “Me and Emiko will be like a real family soon,” I mused.

“You already are from what I see,” Jesse complimented. With everything that has happened these past few weeks it’s nice to have some happy news. I looked forward seeing Koyo and Shiro on top of the slide tower. The two of them seemed so happy, kids not having a care in the world. You could hear everyone enjoying themselves today but as I listened one of the voices sounded familiar. I looked to my right at a nearby picnic bench. I tapped Jesse’s legs and pointed at the scene. It was Atticus with a busty blonde and holding a young baby. “What in the world is going on?” Jesse gasped.

“I need to go talk to him,” I said standing up.

“Is that the right move?” Jess asked in a panic. “He hasn’t spoken to any of us for a while what is something goes wrong?”

“It’s just a talk,” I assured. I’m an adult and this guy was once my best friend.  If I don’t take the opportunity to talk to him know when will I get the chance. Might as well take a glimpse at the little family he had made. I took a deep breath before walking over to them. I gave a small wave, “Hey Atticus.”

He looked up at me shocked. He handed the baby to the woman he was next to before turning to give me his attention. “Hey Zane,” He mumbled. “What can I do for you?”

“We haven’t seen each other for a while,” I answered, gesturing if I could sit down. He nodded and I took the available seat. Play civil, Emiko would kill me if I do anything wrong now. I may have been an angry teen but now I’m a controlled adult. “I figured I’d come check you’re okay and see how you’re doing.” Even though I really want to rip your head off.

“Zane,” His tone got angry. “Look, it’s good to see you and all but I’m here with my family and I’m happier now without the rest of you butting in your noses.” The woman beside us took the baby and left to give us some privacy. I sat shocked looking at how angry Atticus looked. “I bet Rose didn’t even tell you anything did she. Like how Lily isn’t my child.”

“Wh-wh,” I tried to speak and nothing came out.

“Remember that period we broke up, well turns out she was seeing someone else,” Atticus spoke in spit. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “I found out last year after seeing a message from the guy on her phone. I got a DNA test in private and turns out Lily isn't mine.”

“Then why didn’t you say anything?” I questioned, starting to lose my self-control. “You’re an idiot! Why did you keep this bottled up?”

I wasn’t able to speak any more as I felt something sharp against the right side of my face. I heard Jesse scream for me from where we were originally were. I looked up Atticus’ face scrunched up and his face red. “You kept your secrets from all of us!” He screamed. “Now leave me alone and don’t come near my family.”

Next thing I knew Jesse ran up next to me and from what little vision I had I could see someone with a first aid kit. I was asked by someone to lean forward so they could see the damage. As they pressed something to my face I winced in pain. “W-what where’s Shiro?”

“He and Koyo are next to the hutch,” Jesse explained. “The manager is watching over them. I saw Atticus punch you, what the hell happened?”

I stayed quiet, probably best that I explain with less people around. Jesse just sighed sitting next to me. “Sir, let’s get you inside,” The I presume, first aider advised me. “We’ll get you an ice pack and call the police.”

“No,” I urged. “Please don’t worry about it.”

“That was assault,” Jesse stated angrily.

“Pressing charges might make things worse,” I mentioned slowing standing up. I’m a dead man walking now. The press here’s about this that will cause trouble but when Emiko hears, I’m going to be on the couch for a month.


After a couple of hours, I took Koyo back to our home. He was worried about my eye but I tried to calm him down and tell him it didn’t hurt. Complete lie, it stings but he’s just a kid, he doesn’t need to worry about the adults. 

As we walked in we could hear Gonzo barking from the kitchen and Shiro ran towards him. I gulped, knowing that means Emiko was cooking. I’m screwed, when she sees my face. Shiro was out of sight and Emiko came from the Kitchen. She looked up at me and gasped. “W-what in the world?” She asked running up to me.

“It’s a very long story,” I stated, she just stared at me. “I will explain everything.”

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