Part 23

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Jesse’s POV

A few months passed and we finally got a lead on a house. Just on the outside of the city but still within Koyo’s school district so he wouldn’t need to move from his friends. Today we’re going to take him to see the house, as long as he likes it, we’ll make an offer. “Jay, you ready?” I called out from the kitchen. I was a bit confused, seeing Jaden wearing loose closing, hiding his figure. “You okay babe?”

He nodded. “I’m fine,” He assured. “I’m just feeling a bit chilly so thought I’d wrap up.”

I jumped a bit, seeing Yubel pop up beside Jaden. “I’ve already informed you to visit a doctor,” She moaned. “There is a possibility I’m right.”

Jaden’s face dropped. “Jay, is there something you’re not telling me?”

His face became flustered, rapidly shaking his head. I sighed, telling Koyo to grab his coat so we could leave.  Jay wouldn’t hide anything from me, would he? If so, what could he be hiding?

As we pulled up to the house, the realtor was already outside. Koyo gasped in amazement, quickly taking off his seatbelt before jumping out of the car. Jay and I quickly followed. We greeted the realtor before heading into the house. The person who previously owned it had down some more renovations since our last visit. The kitchen and dining room was a much wider area with the wall having been taken down to open the space. “The master bathroom has also been completed,” Jacob explained. “The study is finished to. Shall we head upstairs and I can show you the finished product?”

We nodded and Koyo ran back to Jay, holding his hand tightly as we walked up to the second floor. I was amazed how little time it’s taken to go from a building site to a wonderful house. We could move in straight away and have to do near to no decorating. Jacob showed us nursery the owner had set up, as a way to bring in potential families and across from it was another, ideally, child’s room. Koyo let go of Jaden’s hand going into the room and instantly loving all the space. It was nearly the size of our current living room at the apartment. “So, what do you think?”

“Well, I love it,” Jaden said turning to me. “Think we should put the offer in?”

“Well seems Koyo really likes it too,” I laughed. “That’s all the convincing I need.”

“Great,” Jacob proclaimed. “Just out of interest how soon would you be looking to move in?”

“As soon as possible ideally,” Jaden explained. True, his lease on the apartment would soon run out and if we can we want to avoid extending it. “Is that something the owner can work with us on?”

“I don’t see this being a problem,” Jacob assured. “Let’s go downstairs and discuss further, shall we?”

After we put the offer in, we decided to drop into Zane and Emiko’s on the way home. Syrus was also there along with Rose and Lily. Pretty much a full house going on. Koyo went into the kitchen with the ladies and Jaden while I stayed with the brothers.  “So, Atticus is doing an interview?” I asked taking a sip of my soda.

“Yeah and when Rose asked Lily what she wanted to do, she wanted to bake,” Syrus laughed and I joined. Rose never really was much of a baker from what I’ve been told. “I had to come around to finish off some paperwork for Zane.”

“Oh right, the season is changing up the rules,” I mumbled causing Zane to sigh. “But it looks like it’ll be a good season, right?”

“Yeah,” Zane smiled. “The sponsors are excited too but with all that going on Emiko and I had to reschedule our visit with the social worker.”

“How is that going? The whole adoption process,” I asked nervously.

The smile on Zane’s face never felt as he took the seat on the arm of the sofa. “We’ve been fortunate enough to have the best family law advisor in the city on our side,” He boasted. A good connection does seem to go a long way these days. “To say the process only started a few months ago we’re already meeting with the social workers and then we can meet some of the kids looking for a home.”

“Aster sure has helped you guys huh?” Syrus suggested. Wow, he and Zane really did become good friends after all these years?

“The recommendations that you guys wrote helped a lot too,” Zane said. “And the letters from Koyo and Lily were great.”

I could feel my heart swell up. Koyo surprised us all when he came home from school with a letter addressed to Zane and Emiko’s lawyer to explain why they should be parents. I hadn’t seen Jaden cry so much before and I couldn’t have been prouder. He’ll be ten soon and Jay and I agreed once we’re in the new house, we’ll do a house warming/birthday party, all hoping the weather is good.

At once, we all jumped, hearing a crash from the kitchen. I paniced, thinking Koyo had hurt himself but when I saw him run from the kitchen my heart sank. “Daddy,” He cried running into me, causing me to spill my drink over the floor. “Papa... Papa's in p-pain.”

I knelt down to him trying to calm him down and Rose ran in with Lily crying to, both her and Koyo obviously distressed from what’s happening. Zane took Lily off Rose, holding her to his chest and cooing her to calm her down. I watched as Emiko brought Jay into the room, who was clutching his stomach and sat him on the sofa. All the while Rose had picked up the phone to call the emergency services. Syrus took hold of Koyo for me as I took a seat next to Jay. I could feel Yubel’s spirit, feelings mixed emotions. Seems like I was right and Jay has been hiding something from me.”

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