Part 13

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Jesse's POV

With the last box dropped into the room, I was officially moved in with Jaden and Koyo. I have to admit, I appreciate Jaden letting me back into his life like this, though I'll be sleeping across the hallway rather than across from him.

Speaking of sleeping, Jaden ended up having a small sleepover with his date last week which annoyed me beyond anything. I forgot how fun it was just to be in his presence and now Jaden is dating some other guy right under my nose. He insists nothing happened, other than they had too much to drink. It better be that way otherwise I won't be happy. He mentioned that me coming back was the best thing that could have happened. Koyo now has two parents and Jaden was given a bit more freedom. Seeing as he's been on five dates with this Tama, I guess I've gave him too much freedom. 

"Daddy, will you help me with my homework please?" Koyo called out to me from the living room. 

I grunted as I stood. Guess helping him with fractions is better than dwelling on my miserable life. Though with Koyo, guess that life is a little less miserable. Following the talk with Alexis, we both agreed that neither of us was happy and we should mutually finish the relationship before one of us hurts the other. Like adults, we've filed for divorce and I'm probably getting these papers in a few short weeks.  I sat down at the table with Koyo as he pointed out where he was having trouble.

As we made fairly good progression through his homework when we heard talking from behind the front door. I sighed, seems like another date has gone well then.  I heard the door click close as Jaden appeared into the kitchen. Koyo leapt out of his seat, running up to Jaden to greet him. "Did you finish your homework?" Jaden questioned with a smile.

"Almost, daddy was helping me," Jaden looked up at me with a thankful smile and I couldn't help but blush. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I really shouldn't be. Soon to be divorced and falling for my ex-partner all over again shouldn't be where my life leads right now. "What for dinner tonight?"

"Well, I'm a bit too lazy to cook," Jaden laughed sitting at the table. "How about take out? Anything you want in particular Jess?"

I shuck my head out of my fantasies. "The place on 31st has a great Indian Curry place I've wanted to try," I replied.  "Tell you what, it'll be my treat."

"Jess, I cou-" I stopped Jaden midsentence and he knew I wasn't taking no for an answer. "Alright, let me go clean up. Koyo put your homework away, seems you got a lot done."

I laughed as Koyo seemed more than happy to pack up his homework. As he dashed to his bedroom I watched as Jaden removed his coat, revealing the white buttoned up shirt he was wearing. I blushed deeper, trying to look away. No, no this isn't allowed to happen!  I've missed my chance and now Jaden is moving on with his life. "So, things are going well?" I asked playing around in the cupboard looking for dishes.

Jaden let out a small hum. "He's very nice," He said. "I must admit, I didn't expect for you to be okay with this." Maybe that's because I'm not. "You're not?" My eyes widened and I felt my heart stop, oh crap I said that out loud!

I looked to see Jaden staring at me with teary eyes. He bit his lips, holding his hands to his chest. "Jay," I whispered reaching for him but he pulled away, almost as if he was scared of me. "Wait, it's not-"

"I seriously start getting over you and that's what you say?" Jaden cried loudly.

"No, please let me explain," Me and my big mouth.

"I know what I thought happened really didn't," Jaden said taking a deep breath. "But you were married, as far as I was aware, you were happy!"

"I didn't think I was going to be divorced at that point!" I yelled back. "And I didn't think I was going to fall for you all over again!" We both stayed quiet for a couple of moments, either of us too scared to speak. After "Does Tama make you feel the way you felt with me?"

As Jay went to open his mouth to speak, we heard a door slam. Jay's widen widened in horror, dashing down the hall to Koyo's room. He ran back in a panic, grabbing his coat. "This continues later," He yelled at me as he threw a coat at me. "You better find your son first!"

Koyo? Koyo was gone. Where could he have gone?

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