Part 15

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Jesse's POV

I over from the bed as I watched the sun peak through the blinds. Currently I'm not in my own bed, rather I'm sharing Jaden's. When he came home last night and kissed me, I was in shock. I couldn't think, I couldn't believe it but it was real. We've agreed to take things slowly, so this right now is us lying in bed, fully clothed. We just held each other and talked, which was nice. We talked about us, how us would affect Koyo and how we would be honest with each other.

This time around, our relationship will be different, especially now we have friends around us to keep us on track. I looked down as I watched Jaden stir. "Good morning," He greeted me with a kiss. Oh, this brings me back.

"Morning, to you too," I hummed. "Sleep well?"

He nodded. "It was the best I had in a long time," He giggled, leaning on his arms so he hovering over me. "I'm so glad we're giving this another chance."

"Me too," I breathed happily rubbing my nose against his. I glanced over to the clock. 9:23am huh? "Tell you what, let me go pick up Koyo from Zane and Emiko's, then when I come back, we can go out for lunch? Or brunch, depending on what time I come back?"

The idea seemed to go down well as I was greeted with another kiss, this one become a bit more heated then the last. It went from simple contact to open mouth, me diving my tongue into his mouth. Most of our morning used to be like this, which is why I'm sure Jaden ended up pregnant. I started to move my hands down to his waist, it was at that point he stopped me and pulled away. He laughed shaking his head. "Oh no," He panted. "You are not getting in my pants that quickly."

"It's not like we haven't done it before," I laughed back cupping his cheek.

"Yes, but some of us have been raising a child, which means I've not really had sex for a while," Jaden blushed as he spoke.

"How long is a while?"

"When did I leave?" Jaden joked, laughing nervously. He hasn't had sex for nearly 10 years? Jaden blushed deeply. "So, if we can just take it slow for a while and build up to that, you know? Plus, with Koyo in the apartment it would be pretty hard anyway."

I smiled and brought Jaden into a hug. Well with something that's been broken so long, it will take time to heal.


After a shower and some coffee, and sneaking in another kiss or two, I made it to Zane's house. "Good morning," He greeted opening the door, obviously a little annoyed. "So, is everything sorted out?"

I followed him into the house. He also said that Koyo was just washing up and that Emiko had gone straight to work. "Yeah, me and Jay," I took a moment before saying the next thing. "We're giving us another go."

Zane stopped, turning to me as he raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, as long as it stops the arguing." Eventually we came to the island in the kitchen, a pot a coffee already available.  "You know, Koyo was frightened last night about what was happening." I flinched, the last thing I wanted was to worry by son.  "We calmed him down luckily. Anyway, I guess I should say congrats on moving on and being honest with yourself."

"Thanks," I think. "And thank you for being there. I never really took you as the fatherly type but watching you with Koyo and Lily, I'm amazed you and Emiko haven't decided to have kids yet."

Zane went quiet, the only sound in the room for the moment was him placing him cup down. Did I say something wrong? Maybe he and Emiko just didn't want kids? Suddenly I felt a tight hug from behind. Laughing I turned to see Koyo with a big smile. "Morning Daddy," He said before his smile feel. "I'm sorry for running off yesterday."

I smiled, kneeling down to his height. "And I'm sorry for scaring you," I apologies hugging him tightly. "Papa will be a bit angry though, I think if I talk to him you might only get grounded for a week."

"A whole week!" He moaned. "That's fair, but can I keep desserts?"

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter. Koyo certainly does take after Jaden. We said our goodbyes to Zane before leaving. I'm still a bit worried I touched on a nerve but I guess I won't know until he tells me. As we entered the apartment Koyo was tackled by Jaden, who repeatedly told him off. As I said, he was only getting grounded for a week which for running away from home is a small punishment. "Koyo, daddy and I have something important to tell you," Jaden said after calming down. I watched as Koyo listened and held onto each of Jaden's words. "Daddy and I are going to try being a couple again."

Koyo's eye light up and he jumps for joy. "To celebrate we're going to lunch," I explained and he cheered more. I couldn't help but smile. This is what I've been missing out on these last ten years. I've been missing my family.

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