Part 29

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Jaden’s POV

I’m pretty sure, one of the biggest milestones in your life is when your eldest child turns 10. We’ve officially been inside the new house for a week and today we’re celebrating Koyo’s big one-zero. We’re having an afternoon party, starting around 13:30 but with our luck people will start to arrive around 13:00 instead. I looked up at the clock, 11:48. I sighed knowing I better get a move on preparing the food but it’s easier said than done when your pregnant with twins. Rose and Emiko offered to help and bring some food with them so at least that’s some load off my feet. I placed the knives down for the moment and looked through the large glass doors that lead to the garden. We’ve been fortunate enough today was a nice day so we can spread out into the garden. I’ve got all the mothers from Koyo’s class here today, as well as our friends.

I smiled noticing Koyo playing with Ruby while Jesse finished the decorations and got the barbeque started. In another 10 years, Koyo will be 20 and then we’ll be celebrating the twin's birthdays. Just the thought of that makes me feel old.

I was brought out of my thoughts as Jesse opened the sliding door and laughter spread into the kitchen form Koyo. “That should be the garden all set up,” He said proudly. He placed a hand on my stomach leaning in and kissing me softly of the forehead. “Our first event as a family and such a big one too.”

I nodded. “It’s going to be wonderful,” I said, not even questioning the idea anything could go wrong.

“Well I can say the food smells good,” Jesse complimented. “It’ll go well with the burgers I got from the butcher. He was a really nice guy, even threw in some hot dogs for the kids when I said it was for our son’s big day.”

“I should introduce myself one of the days,” I giggled.

Our attention diverted as Koyo ran into us. “The party looks amazing,” He cheered. “I can’t wait for all my friends to see it. Can I show them my room later?”

I thought for a moment before sighing in defeat. “Only a few friends, not everyone and stay out of the nursery, we have paint in there,” Koyo jumped for joy and then I remember. “Oh, and I have to ask, even though I know you will be, please welcome Shiro nicely.”

“Shiro?” Koyo blinked confused for a moment. “Ah, yeah he’s my new cousin, right?” I nodded. “I’ll make him feel super welcomed.”

“That’s my boy,” Jesse ruffled his hair. “Now, time you have a bath and get ready, birthday boy.”

“Okay,” He nodded and turned to Ruby. “Come on girl, let’s get going! We have to look our best!”

Jesse and I both laughed as we heard Koyo running upstairs to the bathroom. “He sure is excitable,” I laughed.

“Like someone else I know,” Jesse poked my cheek. “Reminds me of someone who ran head first into an adventure, duelled a monkey, jumped into another dimension. Shall I continue?”

“I get it,” I pouted. Though it is nice to know Koyo had some features off me. “He’ll certainly be a handful as he gets older.”

“Nah,” Jesse shrugged. “If you ask me, we won’t have any trouble with him. He’s a lovely kid with plenty of people watching out for him. Say, why don’t you and babies go get ready?”

“You better keep an eye out on the food then,” I laughed, walking away to get ready and Jesse calling behind me that he’ll keep an eye on the food in the oven. I laughed to myself as I walked up the stairs. This is the sort of life I longed for ten years ago when I first found out I was pregnant and now it’s a reality.

I could help but listen out for Koyo as I walked past the bathroom. I could hear him splashing and playing with Ruby in the tub. I should have expected him to be able to see duel spirits but guess I never thought he would. My hand fell to my stomach. I wonder if the next two will see duel spirits too?

I wonder if they’ll both be boys or girls. Or even one of each.

I can’t wait to find out. I won't be a single father this time and Jesse will be there for everything. From their first feed to their first steps. Well, I can brood over that more later on. Today is my little man’s birthday and he deserves all the attention today.

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