Part 9

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Jesse's POV

It's been a month since I've become a farther and it's the best thing in the world. Koyo is an amazing kid, Jaden did a great job raising him on his own. He explained that because of his fusion with Yubel that he was able to get pregnant, not something Yubel actually decided to let Jaden know of course. Now that everything is in the open however we can finally be a family. A family, I smiled at the thought. If Jaden hadn't ran away, we would be married now and still living in Europe. The idea of seeing Jaden in a white dress and holding a baby made me smile more. Snap out of it Jesse, you're married. You're not meant to be thinking about Jaden that way anymore! I wonder if Jaden ever thought about me though. According to Zane, he never spoke about me after he moved back to town and once he was in full time work Jaden stopped talking about the past all together.

"Jesse," Alexis called me snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm off to work now. You have that meeting with Zane, today right?"

She knows full well I do. I'm joining the Cyber Dojo League for this season until we find another sponsor for me next season. Moving when a new season is coming up really is difficult.  "Yeah, I don't know when I'll be home. I might stop by and see Koyo for a while." Lucky for me, Jaden lives near Zane's office. "So, you can start dinner without me tonight."

"Okay, see you later," She bid goodbye locking the door behind her.

It's strange, as Koyo and I became closer, Alexis and I grew apart slightly. It maybe my imagination as she had just started at the new school so she was probably over whelmed by the new work load.  I looked at the time, realising I should probably leave now if I wanted to make it to the office. I quickly changed into my suit, grabbing my duelling gear and headed out for the office. I haven't been the new guy at any place since my last sponsor. Even then, I'll admit that I knew the owner there too.

As I walked into the reception I was greeted by Syrus, looking smart in his suit. "Morning Jess," He greeted. "Zane has a couple of meetings this morning, so why don't I introduce you to the team downstairs?"

"Sure, if you can," I nodded following him to the team downstairs. The building they are in is part of a Kaiba Corp building with all the latest duelling technology. This is beyond what Europe has, though surprising Kaiba Corp hasn't expanded that far yet. "Whoa," I stared in amazement as I saw the practice fields in use.

"It's pretty cool," Syrus gloated. "Once we went to a silver league, we were granted these duel fields. The new recruitments get the hand of a professional field because of it."

"I see," I admired as we continued to walk.

We walked to the end of the hallway to an open office plan. Suddenly I noticed a male with jet black hair, stand up tall looking at his. He ran over, almost tripping over his own feet. "Jesse Anderson," He beamed grabbing hold of my free hand. "I'm such a big fan!"

"Jesse, this is Haru," Syrus introduced us and Haru gave a bow. "Haru will be your assistant while you're here. Helping with interviews, duel training, fan met and greets. Well you get the picture."

"It's very nice to meet you," I bowed in return. "I've never had an assistant before."

"With the popularity of the league assistants are needed to help the duellist keep on top of schedule," Haru explained. "It helps maintain a positive image of the league as well as the duellists."

You can definitely see the hard work Zane and Syrus have gone into to build this league up from the ground. After a quick coffee with Haru and getting to know him, turns out he's a married dad of two himself who once wanted to be a duellist but family situations meant he wasn't able to proceed with his dream. It was a shame for him but he said he wouldn't change anything about his life. He didn't have any regrets. Unlike me. "Zane should be done with his meeting now," Syrus said looking at his watch as we entered the elevator.

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