Part 42

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Koyo’s POV

I sighed, my eyes not leaving the email I brought up on my phone. In bold letters ‘congratulations’ was on top of the email. It was my acceptance into Duel Academy.  In a month I'll be on the boat ready to board my new school and start an independent life. But without Shiro, is it worth it? I jumped, hearing a knock at my bedroom door. The door opened slightly, revealing papa. He just smiled at me, knowing today was the day I was going to receive the email. I sat up with a small chuckle. “Yes, I got in.”

He sighed in relief coming into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. “You must be pretty happy about it?” He asked and I feel silent. Am I? “What’s up? Is it because of you and Shiro?”

“I haven’t heard from him since the fight,” I sniff, feeling myself chock up. “I know he’s upset because he feels I planned his future but I just want to be with my best friend.”

I felt papa pull me into a hug stroking my back as I let out a small cry. “I know that feeling all too well,” he laughed. “Believe me when I say it’s hard to be away from people you love but...” He took my face making me look at him. “The moment you’re back together, it’s a wonderful feeling. I think a bit of time apart won’t hurt the relationship you too have and will allow the two of you to grow as people. It’ll be tough but it’s what’s right.”

“Shiro!” I jumped hearing Mia and Lena cheer downstairs.

Crap they’ve come for the festival, how could I forget? Papa chucked, wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I better get downstairs,” He said. “Anything you want to say, best do it now.”

I nodded, watching as he left. I quickly tried to fix my hair and my face, wanting to look presentable. I jumped, hearing Shiro’s voice come from the hallway. “Koyo, you decent?” He asked.

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered. Shiro didn’t waste time, coming into my room and sitting next to me. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before he pinched my cheek hard.  “Ow!” I groaned holding my cheek once he let go. “What was that for?”

“To get you to speak,” Shiro said in a cheeky manner, sticking out his tongue. “You know, I'm sorry for getting so angry. I see now that you feel like I do, we want to stay by each other side.”

I blushed, he wanted the same thing but, “But then, why not come to duel Academy?” I asked.

“Because I don’t see myself as a duellist,” He answered honestly. “You know I like my photography and I really like being here with my family. While you’re my best friend I have my own dreams too.”

I looked to the floor., Of course he has his own dreams. “I’m sorry,” I muttered. “I’m just scared if we go to different schools, we’ll drift too far apart.”

“Don’t be silly,” Shiro said tapping my head with the back of his hand. “You’ll be back every break anyway and when you finish Duel Academy, I’ll be a senior. You’ll be back permanently then and we can meet up after school. Honestly, I don’t see your worry. Sure, we’ll both make new friends along the way but..” I lifted my head looking him in the eyes. His smile is almost angelic it’s causing my heart to burst. “You’ll always be my best friend.”

Those words touched me. I sat up straight holding out my hand with an outstretched pinkie. “Promise?” He nodded doing the same and our pinkies intertwined.

“Koyo, Shiro!” We heard the twins call breaking the moment. Thanks guys!

“Let’s go!” Came Miki’s voice next.

“Well, this will be your last festival here for a while,” Shiro said standing up. “Let’s make it a good one.”


The festival was awesome! All the games we played and each other girls got a large stuff bear that was pretty much the size of them, it’s adorable. Right now, we’re just setting out the blankets, securing our places for the fireworks. Papa and Dad sat on with Auntie Emiko and Uncle Zane while the girls sat in front of them while Shiro and I had our own behind them. “I hope they’re as impressive as last year,” I said.

“That would be a nice way to send you off,” Shiro said leaning into my shoulder. I felt my face heat up, feeling his hair against my neck. “Congrats on getting in by the way. I mean I never doubted it.”

“T-thanks,” I stuttered.

I felt his weight leave my shoulder and Shiro just looking at me confused. He raised an eyebrow as I just remained silent. I’m an idiot. I realise now I don’t want him as my best friend. My eyes widened as the fireworks began, neither of us looking away from each other. I gulped, now or never. I leaned in, my lips making an impact with Shiro’s. I pulled away a couple seconds later, Shiro's look of shock accompanied by a deep blush. “After I graduate, let’s be more then best friends.”

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