Part 2

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I stayed locked behind the door of the bathroom. I can't duel knowing he's here. Last time I saw him was ten years ago and then I left without a word to him. I took a few deep breathes trying to calm myself down. I can't let Koyo down, he enjoys his junior tournaments but I can't stay. I'll have to pretend I'm ill and ask Zane and Emiko to look out for him.

"Jaden," I heard a soft knock. "Jay, you okay in there?"

I gulped, standing up and opening the door. "Hiya Zane," I smiled weakly.

He sighed placing a hand on my head and shaking his head. "If your not up for duelling tell me rather then make a scene," he groaned. I looked to my feet. I was up for duelling, then Jesse appeared. "How about I let you and Koyo use my private box?"

I blushed, Zane wasn't getting mad at me. "I can't let you do that," I protested. "I should just go."

"Look, it's better you stay, you know Charity event!" Zane explained. "Don't take part in the tournament but stay for the juniors. They like seeing you."

I sighed nodding. At least I'll be in the private box and Koyo wouldn't let me live this down if I leave. "However, afterwards you have to tell me what's going on?" I gulped, truth be told I've never admitted whose Koyo's farther was, I was a bit ashamed to be honest. I ran away from my lying partner without letting him know I was pregnant. I nodded, better late then never to admit the truth.

An hour later

"Whoa!" Koyo cried in awe as he curled the private box. "Uncle Zane really said we can use this?"

I nodded as I sat on the sofa. We had a good view of the whole stadium and where the pros were preparing. Click, I turned to see the door open. Alexis? Why's she here? "Jaden," she smiled walking over. "Long time no see."

"Yeah hi Alexis," I blushed. She's stunning now. The years have definitely been kind to her. "If you don't mind my asking, how come you're up here!"

"Zane said I could come up and that I'd have company," she smiled.

I felt the pressure on my legs grow as Koyo jumped into my lap. "Whose this Papa?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm a Alexis," she giggle kneeling down to his height. "I'm an old friend of your papas."

Koyo leaned over and took her hand. "My names Koyo! Future duelling champion!"

Me and Alexis couldn't help but laugh. Koyo went back over the windows to watch the first duel as Alexis sat next to me. "So what's new?" I asked nervously. We haven't been in touch in over 10 years.

"Well I got married," she blushed playing with her hair.

"Oh what's he like?" I asked trying to be nosey.

"Actually you know him," she took a small pause. "It's Jesse."

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