Part 43

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Jaden’s POV

Today Koyo come’s home after officially graduating from Duel Academy. I could almost cry, my little baby is all grown up. Where has eighteen years gone? We’re throwing him a surprise party with close friends for when he walks through the door. Jesse’s gone to pick him up though he nearly didn’t. Spending a good half an hour crying and trying to work up the courage to see our not-so little man anymore.

The girls are currently playing in the garden with Ruby and my mother, turns out those two can see spirits to. Just great, well it’s not all bad. It means I can send Yubel with them when they want to go to the shop and keep an eye out for them. I jumped, hearing the doorbell rang. Seems like our guests are here. I opened the door to a big, “Hi Uncle Jay!”

I smiled bending down to pat Miki’s head. “Hello sweetheart,” I greeted. “The girls are in the garden if you want to join them.” Without another word Miki was off through the house to join Lena and Mia. I stood back up feeling my knees crack as I did. Damn old age. “Welcome guys.”

Emiko and Zane smiled softly and Shiro just had a blush on his face. He’s probably just excited to see Koyo again. “Thanks for having us,” Zane smiled shaking my hand. “Still can’t believe Koyo’s graduated.”

Emiko and Zane walked in happily, talking about how time as flown while Shiro was quietly walking behind. “You okay kiddo?” I asked and he blushed deeper. “Oh, you can’t wait for the Koyo to come back, right?”

“W-well it’s only been a few months,” Shiro stuttered looking to the floor. “And we spoke on the phone just the other day, it’s not like I've missed him too much or anything.”

I laughed as he went to sit outside with the girls. Reminds me of a certain someone who was also very shy when it came to dating. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out my phone and seeing Jess was only 20 minutes away. I walked into the garden; the girls somehow had convinced Shiro to give them piggy back rides making me burst into laughter. They certainly get their troublesome trait from me. OI regained my composure looking to everyone. “Okay, they’re only 20 minutes away so I’m going to order the pizza,” I announced. “Who wants what?”

“I’ll have pineapple on mine,” Miki piped up.

With a slight look of disgust, I looked over to Zane and Emiko. “She’s definitely her father’s child,” Emiko sighed with a smile.

“What’s that mean?” Zane asked.

“You have unusual toppings on food too,” Emiko stated.  “Remember the chocolate chilli sauce with your ice cream? I was so grossed out I couldn’t look you in the eyes as you ate it.”

“No fair,” Zane whined. “Chocolate and chilli are a good mix.”

“I agree with daddy,” Miki said and we all laughed again.

I finished getting everyone’s ordered and tapped it into the app we waited to hear the door click open. Miki ended up sitting curled up in Zane’s lap while we waited. She looks like a miniature version of him and honestly, it’s adorable. Luckily, she has her mum’s outgoing personality but she’s definitely a daddy’s girl.

We heard the door click open and I felt like time had stopped as Koyo and Jess walked through the to the garden. My eyes drew to their faces, noticing how much Koyo is looking like a teenage Jess. The resemblance is uncanny. My little boy, is now my little man. Tears started to stream down my face and I opened my arms. “Welcome home,” Koyo ran into my arms, he towered over me slightly and I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I knew him going to Duel Academy was going to be tough but I thought I would have been a bit stronger as not to break down. “And congratulations.”

“Congratulations,” Everyone cheered standing up and clapping.

“Thanks Papa,” Koyo whispered in my ear before running off to be next to Shiro.

I used my sleeve to wipe the ever-flowing stream of tears from my eyes, though I ended up being pulled into Jesse’s chest. I could feel his heart beating against his chest, much like mine is. “Our son has turned out to be a wonderful person,” He commented. 

I looked back, looking him dead in the eyes. This man, who I once thought was a selfish monster has turned out to be the most romantic lover and the most doting father. I looked behind for a moment, looking to see everyone laughing and clinking glasses of soda in an attempt to cheers. I smiled widely looking back at Jesse, looking at the man that’s made my world and became the father to my children. This man I would never trade in for the world. I leant up to him, my lips just above his and whispered, “I love you.” Before delving into a kiss.

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