Part 40

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Koyo’s POV

That exam! It was so much harder than the practice ones from prep school. I wonder if I've done enough to get into the practical exam next week. Currently I’m stood outside the main gate of the school. The bell rang a while ago, I've seen the second years come out but no sign of the first years yet. Come on Shiro. “You look like a stalker,” I jumped seeing Shiro staring at me blankly. “How did the exam go? Would have thought you could have gone straight home afterwards.”

“It went well I think,” I muttered getting the courage to look him in the eyes. “And yeah I could have but wanted to talk to you first. Want to head to the park and get ice cream?”

He shrugged. “Yeah I guess,” Why's he acting so distant? Guess dad was right. “But you’re buying mine too.”

I nodded, agreeing to the terms and we made our way to the park. The walk was silent, only the odd sentence being spoken from time to time. Shiro sat on a bench by our favourite tree, it’s large and has an old rope swing attached, as I went off getting our ice creams. Shiro always has the same, soft serves in a cone with bubble gum sauce while I have mine with strawberry sauce and sprinkles. I rushed back over, trying to avoid any ice cream melting onto my hands. Shiro carefully took his out my hands and immediately starting to lick the sides of the gather any runaway dessert. I couldn’t help but stare. “Aren’t you going to sit down?” He asked and I snapped out of my trance taking by seat. “You said you wanted to talk?”

“Yeah,” I said taking another bit of my ice cream. “I just wanted to say sorry if I've made you feel left out with the whole talk of duel academy. But don’t worry, you’ll join me in two years and we’ll be able to enjoy campus life together.”

I continued to enjoy my treat, not noticing Shiro hadn’t said anything. I just assumed he was enjoying his treated too. “When have I said I wanted to go to duel academy,” Shiro statement came with a harsh tone. I looked up at him, there was a look of anger in his eyes. “All you say is how great life will be when we’re in duel academy but what about life here?”

I was taken back a bit by Shiro’s outburst. What was he getting at? “But we used to talk about going to the academy all the-”

“No, you did,” Shiro yelled tears falling form his face. “I’m not like you Koyo. I like my life here and I want to stay here.”

“You don’t want to go to the same school?” I asked confused. When we were kids I always dreamt we would go to the academy together, pretty much we’d be living alone in the dorms and have freedom to be ourselves. “Why did you tell me before?”

“I tried,” Shiro mumbled, looking away from me. “But you got so busy and it never came up. You know, we would only be in the academy together a year, right?” I thought about it for a moment. He’s right. I would be a senior while he’d be a freshman.  In my head I had everything looking like a perfect dream. “And I don’t know about you but I actually like my life here. I don’t know why you're so quick to move away from it.” I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Without warning Shiro stood up, throwing his ice crema into a nearby bin. “I like my life here Koyo but I guess you don’t.”

With that said he started to leave. I wanted to reach out and grab him but in the back of my head, I'm still processing what he said. Did I really not like my life here so much? I mean I've always talked about going to Duel Academy and how I can’t wait to be on my own surrounded but other people who love duelling just of much as I do. Oh god! I’ve truly messed up, haven’t I? Does that mean Shiro thinks I didn’t like being around him? But I talked about us at the academy. Then again, he was right, we would only be together a year. The first 2 I'd be on my own, making new friends so by the time Shiro would get to the academy who's to say I wouldn’t have new friends.

I hung my head in shame. I’ve been really selfish and I’m only now realising it. Sorry Shiro. I’m so sorry.

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