Part 6

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Jaden's POV

I smiled happily as I watched Koyo play in the back garden of Zane and Emiko's house. Today they were throwing a dinner party as they had an announcement they wanted to make to us all. Honestly, I'm not sure what it's about but I hope it's a happy announcement. "Jaden, can you help with the table please?" Emiko asked kindly.

I nodded and walked over, grabbing the plates and forks. I noticed the amount of plates that needed setting up. "You sure have a lot of people coming over tonight?" I laughed, curious about who was coming over.

"Well it's a special night," Emiko hummed as she continued to cook. "It's taken me most the morning to arrange this dinner, so I hope everyone enjoys it." We continued to work together to finish setting the table and the final pieces of the dinner before the bell started to ring. "I better let the guests in. Jay, why don't you grab our boys and tell them to wash up."

I laughed as Emiko referred to Zane and Koyo. I slid the glass door, that lead to the garden, open and called out 'our boys' as Emiko described them. Koyo came running up to me, his face slightly muddy. "You played a bit rough huh?" I laughed and he nodded excitedly. "Go and wash up ready for dinner."   

He ran off happily to the downstairs bathroom. "Sorry, he fell over," Zane apologised, looking a bit wild himself. "I tried to catch him. It didn't work however."

"Zane, boys his age are meant to be wild," I explained. "I think I might want to wash up yourself, you have dirt of your shirt."

"Ah damnit!" He cursed running past me to go upstairs and I couldn't help but laugh again. "Ah, watch out Lily."

Lily? That means that Atticus must be here. I smiled seeing a small red-haired girl run into the kitchen. "Hi Uncle Jay," She smiled jumping into my arms.

"Hello Lily," I greeted. "My, your dress is very pretty."

She blushed. Lily is only 6 years old but she looks like a young lady already. Soon I was greeted by Atticus who explained that his girlfriend had to work so she wasn't able to make it. Syrus came in along with Chazz next and then surprisingly even Aster showed up. Soon Zane came back down stairs dressed smartly again. "Sorry for the wait," He laughed nervously. "We're just waiting on a a couple more people, until then who wants a drink?"

It was another half an hour before the door bell rung again. By this time the dinner party was already full of conversation while Lily and Koyo played on the game system in the living room. "Welcome Jess, Lexi," I heard Emiko greet and my heart stopped and I think Zane noticed too. "Come in. Let me get you guys a drink."

My heart sank as they walked into the room hand in hand. They greeted the others like it was any other normal day. After what happened with Jesse, I can't say I'm thrilled to see him right now. "Good to see you guys back in town," Aster said raising his glass.  "I assume everyone is here now?"

Emiko and Zane looked at each other and nodded. "Well we called you all for dinner because we have some big news," Emiko started with a blush.

"We've finally set a date," Zane finished and we all just started.

Then it hit me. "A date? For the wedding?" I asked and the pair nodded.

Everyone in the room cheered and gathered around. "So, what's the date?" Alexis asked. I noticed as Jesse took a quick glance at him causing me to blush. When we were together, I always imagined the two of us getting married.

"November 20th,"  Zane said proudly. "We've already agreed a small winter theme."

"Mom and dad know right?" Syrus asked.

"Do you know how hard it is to get your mom to keep a secret?" Emiko laughed hinting at the fact their parents would have already know. "Anyway, we would also like to ask if Lily and Koyo would like to be a part of the wedding? We do need a flower girl and a page boy. Who better than those two?"

Atticus was overall joyed at the question and I nodded to. A lot of parents at Koyo's school have recently gotten married and so he started to ask what they were like so it would be nice for him to be a part of the wedding. "How wonderful," Alexis sighed happily.  "November though. You guys have a lot of planning."

As the evening continued so did the drinks. Fortunately, when I have a couple, Emiko lets me and Koyo crash in the spare bedroom. Just because I'm a single dad didn't mean I wasn't allowed fun and Emiko understood that. I rubbed my eyes as I felt the effect of the alcohol take over. The next thing I knew I could feel someone helping me upstairs. My visions a bit blurry but I can see the blue of their hair. "He, thanks Zane," I slurred as I was laid onto the bed.  "I'm sorry, I think I drank a bit too much. Seeing Jesse just made me loose it I think."

"How come?" He asked, his voice sounds a bit different when I've had a drink.

"Well," I hiccupped before I continued. "Because of the whole Jesse is Koyo's farther thing silly. It hurts still, you know? I don't know how much longer I can keep this up for, I know I should tell him but he doesn't deserve such a wonderful kid." I hummed happily grabbing the pillow and holding it close to me.

"Why doesn't he deserve to Jay?"

"Because he cheated on me," I growled. Even after Zane found out the truth he never really asked much about why I wouldn't tell Jesse the truth. "When we were together I found glitter on him. It's wasn't from me and he stunk of perfume! God, I even saw him with the woman, hugging her in a coffee shop. Anyway, let's forget him. I'm going to sleep for a bit."

I heard the door click as it was closed leaving me on my own. It's been so long since I've had a drink, my head feels fuzzy and I ended up saying more to Zane about Jesse then I wanted to. I'm sure he'll keep it a secret. Well I hope so.

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