Part 3

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I sat at the kitchen counter as I could here Koyo getting ready for school. It's been three days since the charity event and as soon as it ended, I ran away. I should have gone to a meal with everyone to celebrate the event but instead I took Koyo home and watched movies. Honesty I'd rather do that anyway, my little boy is my life after all. I was brought out of my thoughts hearing the door bell.

"I'll get it," I yelled to Koyo before he jumped the gun. Also I don't need him being late . I sighed opening the door and ended up shutting it in the persons face. How the hell does Jesse know I live here? I took a deep breathe before opening the door again to an extremely annoyed Jesse. "Hey," I gulped.

"Long time no see huh?" He said. "Sorry to drop by, Zane gave me your address." Zane? I'll kill the bastard! "Can we talk at all?"

I felt my heart sink. "Well I have to take my son to school first," I explained playing with my sleeves. I saw the surprised look on his face. Surely Alexis said something. "He's schools only down the street," I sighed and gestures him to come inside. He took a seat on the sofa, looking around as he did. "Make yourself a drink, I'll be ten or so minutes."

I went and grabbed Koyo from his room, trying to keep his gaze away from Jesse. As I walked Koyo to school I told him that Papa was going to talk to an old friend today so auntie Emiko or uncle Zane might pick him up today.

Standing outside my own door scared me. I know what's on the other side and I don't think I'm ready to face it. I opened the door, Jesse was sat in the same place with added coffee in his hands. "Hey sorry about that," I tried to laugh it off as I took a seat on the chair to the left of the sofa. "So why are you here?"

My question was blunt and I'm amazed the words came out! "In all honesty, I guess some closure," his response was honest. I guess you would want closure after so long.

I sighed holding onto my chest. I'm an adult I can do this, I kept telling myself. Wait! He wants closure? "Get out," I muttered looking through my bangs.

"But Jay," he started standing over me. "You can't do that to me?"

"Says the guy who cheated on me!" I screamed standing up to his height. I could see the look of confusion on his face. "Leave and don't go anywhere near my son again!"

I practically pushed him out of the door as he tries to protest. I locked the door behind him and fell to my knees. How dare he? Demanding a reason as to why I left. You cheated on me. He must realise that. I felt my heart rate go down as I hear the foot steps went away from the door. The tears I were holding in fell like a water fall. That bastard, how can he not care about me and my feelings when he toyed with them?

Jesse, I hope I never see you again!

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