Part 19

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Jaden's POV

The reception for the wedding was truly spectacular. More tears being shed as the bride and groom cut the cake and Emiko danced with her father. Koyo played with the other children in the play area outside in the hotel's garden while the adults enjoyed themselves at the bar. Jesse and I ended up at a table near the window, to keep an eye on Koyo while still enjoying a couple of drinks ourselves. "Look at how happy our little man is," I sighed happily.

"Well with a papa like you," Jess complimented causing me to blush deeply. I gasped slightly feeling his arm wrap around me. "You know, we do have all night to ourselves."

I gulped, how can I forget? It's true that I'm unbelievably nervous, I haven't had sex in ten years and now I'm about to do it, on my best friend's wedding night. "It feels like how I did on our first night together," I said turning my gaze away. "Nervous but anxious to know how it will go."

"I promise," I felt my chin being lifted, to look into Jesse's eyes. "I will make you feel good."

I wasn't sure what to say, in fact, no words wanted to come out. Then I saw the happy couple walking towards us, smiles on their faces. "E-emiko, Zane," I welcome and Jesse leant back in his arm back. The newly married couple sat opposite us. "Aren't you guys busy with family at the moment?"

"We've managed to say hi to everyone we can," Zane sighed, with a smile still on his face. "We haven't spoken to you guys much and wanted to see you're okay. Mom mentioned she's looking after Koyo tonight?"

Emiko giggled as she saw my face darken in colour. "Jay, we're all adults," She stated. "Someone has got to get some tonight." I tilted my head in confusion. "You do know newlyweds don't actually have sex on the wedding night. You're too tired."

Jesse just laughed, clearly knowing what she meant. We talked for a bit longer before we realised the time. 10:30 already. Jesse prompt me to go back to the room, so after a kiss with Koyo and a farewell to the bride and groom we went upstairs.

When I got into the room, my shoes immediately came off and I flopped onto the bed. I looked up, watching as Jesse slid off his blazer before proceeding to unbutton his shirt. I felt myself swoon as his muscles came into view. His shirt reached the floor and Jesse turned to me. He walked over, a cocky smile on his face. We're really about to have sex. I gulped, the nerves returning to me. The bed sunk as Jesse placed his weight onto me, capturing my lips. I half closed my eyes as Jesse inserted his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned as I felt his cool hands, untuck my shirt and begin to play with the skin underneath. I gasped into his mouth as he pinched my nipple. I broke the kiss, panting heavily. I'm sure I must look a mess. "You're so beautiful," Jesse complimented me as he continued to toy with my nipples, causing me to pant heavier. "I've missed you so much. I should never have let you leave."

I can't speak. My mind is going blank at his actions and his words are winning me over emotionally. Ten long years I've been on my own and now I'm reconnecting with the love of my life. I leant forward, entangling my fingers with his hair and pulling him into another kiss. I gasped again, feeling his hips bucking against mine. This friction, the friction I've been missing for so long, feels delicious. Jess leant up, and I followed his movements, his hands stopped toying with me for a moment so he could remove my shirt. He pulled away as he did this. Our gazes meeting each other's. "I love you," I whispered. "I always have."

"I love you too Jay," He whispered back, brining me back into a kiss as he pushed me against the bed. This moment, I never want it to end. These feelings I never want to leave me because I do, I do love Jesse more than anyone.


The next morning, I was up before Jess. I was rudely awoken by my phone ringing. When I noticed it was Renee, I had to answer as it was Koyo on the other side. It was only 7:30am when they called and now here, I am, lying watching my newly regained lover at 8am. I sighed happily, watching as his chest moved with every breath, confirming to me it's real. I caressed his check with the back of my hand, feeling his smooth skin. He tossed slightly, moving towards me. I watched him smile as he opened his eyes. "Morning," He barely said moving closer to me.

I leant forward wrapping my arms around him so his head landed in my chest. "Good morning. Sleep well?"

"The best sleep I've had in a long time," he replied. "because I knew I was waking up next to you."

I felt my cheeks heat up, then an idea came to me. I moved closer to him, bringing our lips millimetres apart. "We have time before breakfast."

"So round two then?"

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