Part 26

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Jaden’s POV

I sighed, closing the door to Koyo’s room. He kept asking me ‘where’s daddy gone?’ and I just don’t know what to say because I don’t know. As soon we got back to the apartment Sy made me call the doctor's office for my appointment.  I still can’t tell Koyo that I’m pregnant either. God, who can I tell?

My lip quivered, “Jesse,” I should have told him. I robbed him of our son for nearly 10 years and now it feels like it’s been a whirlwind romance. In a matter of nearly six months, we’ve moved in, buying another house, he’s got divorced and now I’m pregnant. I love him but these still feels so quick again. We were together a year before I fell pregnant with Koyo, at least that pacing seems normal.

I tried to gather myself, going back to the living room. “Jesse’s okay,” I sighed in relief as I sat next to him. “Aster is going to be with him so nothing to worry about.”

“I’m sorry for dragging you all into this,” I mumbled. “I just want things to be alright. I didn’t think it would blow up like this.”

“Jay, were ever you go trouble follows,” Syrus tried to joke. “But then again, so do we. The main thing is that this time, we know where everyone is and that they are safe. But Jay, you really should have been honest.”

“I know,” I sighed placing a hand on my stomach. I reached for my phone, booking an emergency appointment online for tomorrow morning, right after I drop Koyo from school. “I thought, if I said something, I would only upset Emiko and Zane.”

“They don’t see it that way,” Sy snapped. “Sure, maybe a few months ago they would have been upset but now, they’ve accepted it and as their friends we need to show we have too.”


“But nothing,” Syrus said, looking like he was about to cry. “I know you tried to be a good friend but you but yourself as risk. Like you always do. I feel pretty crappy too, you know? My own brother didn’t confine to me that this was happening to him.  I want everyone to stop the secrets and lies and just let everyone be happy.”

I was shocked. Sy hadn’t had an outburst like this in years. I smiled giving him a hug. I've lied to my friends, to myself and Jesse all these years and now, when I need to be honest, I just can’t be. Being an adult is tougher than I thought. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “To everyone. I’ll be better, I promise.”

“You better,” He wanted. “For Koyo and your new baby.”

After another hour or so, Sy had crashed on the sofa. I placed a blanket over him before going to my own room. I gulped, looking at my phone and seeing no messages. Nervously I texted Jesse a ‘Goodnight’ before trying to get some sleep.

The next morning, after dropping Koyo off at school I made my way to the doctor’s office. I text Jess the appointment details, whether he shows up will be another story. He’s probable still pissed at me. I can’t blame him. I waited nervously in the office looking down at my feet as I waited for my name to be called. 

I didn’t pay any attention when someone took a seat next to me. I stayed quiet a bit longer, still waiting for my name. “Jaden,” I looked up, not seeing a nurse. “To your left jay.”

I gasped turning to see Jesse sitting next to me. He had a gentle smile on his face but still wore his clothes from the night before. “I didn’t think you would come.” I mumbled avoiding his gaze.

“Missing out this time would be my own fault,” He chuckled lightly. “I want to make sure our child is healthy.”

I felt like crying. “I’m sorry,” I said leaning into him.

“It’s okay,” He assured wrapping his arms around me. “I know now and that’s what matters. Oh and I have some news.” I looked up, his smile growing larger. “We got the house.”

I gasped. We got it? The extra room they showed up. That can be our little one’s nursery. Koyo would have his big room. “Guess we need to start thinking about how we can decorate the nursery,” I cried happily. It wasn’t soon until we were called into the doctor’s room. Jesse sat on a chair near the bed while I lifted my shirt for the doctor to apply the jelly. I turned to Jesse with a smile as the doctor ran the sonogram over my stomach. “Moment of truth.”

We both turned to the screen and I swear I could hear Jesse choke back a couple of tears. I looked at the doctor who smiled, leaning towards the monitor and pointing at what I assume is our baby. “Well It looks like your quite far along,” She commented. “I’d saw around 16 weeks.” 16 weeks? Wait so did I get pregnant the night of Emiko’s wedding? Opps. “And it appears you’re having twins.”

There was nothing but silence for a while. Twins?


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