Part 34

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Jesse’s POV

Two weeks ago, we found out the gender of the twins and tomorrow I’m holding a party for our friends and family to announce it. Why did I do that? Well, that the answer is easy; Because I wanted to do something loving for Jaden and show him I appreciate him carrying my children. Although, I didn’t expect it to be so much involved in planning a party on your own.

When we left the doctor’s office, Jaden told me to keep the gender a secret from him too, so he can surprised along with everyone else. And the secret is killing me! Right now, I’m decorating the living room with Emiko’s help ready for the party tonight. Shiro and Koyo were currently playing in his room to allow us time to finish what we could.

I have all the expectant mothers from our group as well as our close friends and Jaden’s mother too. His mother is a wonderful woman. Though she lives two towns over so she’ll also end up staying the night. She doesn’t seem to dislike me which also helps. “The table is all decorated,” Emiko announced proudly helping from the ladder. I took careful steps down and looked up at my handy work. I got to admit; I'm getting better at handing banners. “The place is looking beautiful Jess. I think it’s wonderful what you’re doing for Jay.”

“Well,” I blushed. “I wanted to do something nice for him. I ordered a special cake and everything.” The cake is what’s called a reveal cake. When Jay cuts it open, he’ll know what we’re having by the colour of it. I found the idea on a mommy and me website. “I hope he likes it all.”

“I know he will,” Emiko assured. “Say, where is he anyway?”

“Oh, he’s sorting out his leave.” I explained and we walked to the kitchen to finish the food prep. “He should have about a year away.”

“That’s good,” Emiko sighed happily. “Have you spoken to Zane about your time?”

“I get 2 weeks,” I explained. “But luckily the babies arrive near the ned of the season, so Zane said I could split the two weeks if I wanted to.”

Emiko laughed. “To think, this is the same guy who once thought about pain as pleasure and turned to a very dark side.”

“You married him.”

“And I couldn’t be happi-” She stopped talking a placed a hand over her mouth. Suddenly she was gone from my sight and I heard a door slam. That was strange.

I was brought out my thoughts as I heard gasps of awe form the living room. I laughed walking back in to see Koyo and Shiro looking at the room. “You boys like the room?” I asked.

“It looks awesome dad,” Koyo cheered. The banners were white and silver, as to keep the gender a secret until the end. “Papa is going to love it! Don’t you think so too Shiro?”

Shiro nodded with a big smile. “Can we play with some of the balloons?” He asked.

“Once we’ve had cake,” I laughed patting his head. “Then you can take the balloons outside.”

We all looked up hearing the sound of the downstairs bathroom and Emiko appearing from it. Shiro ran over hugging her leg. “You okay mom?” He asked. Amazing, it’s gone from Emiko to mom in a matter of a couple of weeks.

Emiko nodded. “Think I just need a sit down,” She advised. “We’ve been working hard the past few hours.”

“You take it easy, I'm sure the boys can help set the rest up,” I laughed and the boys nodded. “If anyone comes in the meantime, can you take their coats, I'll bring the drinks out?”



A few hours later, the party was in full swing, we’re just missing Jaden.  I had a call from Zane saying they were only ten minutes away, that was five minutes ago. Zane offered to pick Jaden up for me, seeing as he’s five and half months pregnant, I want him to take it easy. The expecting mothers from our parent group were ogling the cake, trying to work out what colour could be in side. “Welcome,” The sudden cheer drew me to the living room, seeing Zane escort Jaden in.

I ran over taking Jaden’s coat and kissing his cheek. “Well, I have to say you’ve done a good job,” He complimented as I lead him to the sofa. “Literally there is no space on the floor between the amount of people here.”

“Wait till you see the present table,” I laughed. “So, are you ready to find out?”

He nodded eagerly. I walked into the kitchen to grab the cake and as if on cue, everyone decided to follow me back to where Jaden sat. Koyo jumped onto the sofa next to Jay as I sat the other side and Emiko gave him the knife. “Come on Papa,” Koyo encouraged. Jaden laughed as I watched the knife cut into the cake. He pulled away a slice and I saw tears fill his eyes and party poppers going off behind us with the matching colour. “It’s pink!”

“Girls?” Jay asked looking at me. I nodded feeling his arms wrap around me tightly. “Two little girls.”

“Are you happy?” I Asked.

“Then ever before,” Jay cried.

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