Part 16

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Zane's POV

I groaned as I finished up my hair. It's a week until my wedding, the wedding to my most wonderful fiancé and tonight is my stag do. It won't be much, me and the guys going bowling seeing as the medication I'm on doesn't allow me to drink. "Looking good," Emiko laughed as she appeared behind me in the mirror. "Don't look too good though."

I turned chuckling lightly. I cupped either side of her face. What Jesse said to me the other day still runs through my mind, the worry about giving Emiko a child. "Are you upset I-" can't –" I stopped mid- sentence, feeling a lump appear in my throat. "You know, never mind."

"You're acting weird," Emiko sighed wrapping her arms around me. "Is it because of the whole Alexis-Jesse thing? Because Alexis has moved on too, you know?" I sighed, she was right about that. I was concerned how quickly Jesse moved on but Alexis did just the same. Seeing some guy call Michael. She was always like a little sister to me so naturally I looked out for her. "If you start thinking about her too much, I might get jealous."

I chuckled, that takes me back. The whole reason were together is because of one Jaden Yuki; who opened his mouth about Emiko feeling a bit jealous. It also prompted a couple memories from when we were kids, when Emiko actually attended my mother's dance class but she suddenly moved away. 8 years later seeing each other at Duel Academy again, I didn't recognised her at first until I watched her duel. "Perhaps I like it when you get jealous," I teased gripping her waist and causing her to blush. I smirked leaning down and -

"Let's get this party started!" I groaned, my head landing on Emiko's shoulder instead. I hate Atticus so much right now!

"You better go," Emiko giggled before giving me a kiss. "Go have fun and relax."

"Staying here sounds like a better idea," I mumbled kissing her again.

"For the last time," Emiko shrugged with a cheeky smile. "I'm saving myself for the wedding night." I couldn't help but burst out laughing. That's my girl, making stupid jokes.


At the bowling alley it was some of the old gang, and a couple of the guys I knew from work. Jesse tagged along with me seeing as someone Jaden was roped into Emiko's Hen Party for another night. Unfortunately for me while the drinks flowed for some of the guys, I was alongside my brother and Jesse having soft drinks. The dosage in my medication meant mixing alcohol with it would cause more complications then I'm willing to deal with. "So, next week huh?" Syrus asked timidly. I looked over and he looked most nervous. "It's been so long, I never thought this day would come."

"I hardly thought I'd live to see the day," I tried to joke but it didn't seem to go down well. "Either way, thank you guys for the support all these years."

"Wouldn't miss it," Jesse said. "Afterall, you're the one whose stuck to helping all of us out. However, you've done it is beyond me."

I thought back to all these years, starting up my own league, helping my little brother become a pro and being a part of a family with Koyo, it certainly has been a whirlwind decade. Suddenly, a less then sober Atticus joined the little circle after having bowled a gutter ball, again. "We are placing bets on how long before we hear baby bells!" Atticus proclaimed and I felt my heart sink. "Who wants in?"

I hid my face in my hand as others started to crowd around him. "I bet it'll be a honeymoon baby," I heard one guy say.

"Nah, it'll take a year," Another said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if there's already baby on the way."

"Oh, and that's why there's a rush for the wedding!"

As people talked, I started to become angrier. Can't these morons shut up? "Guys calm down," Jesse snapped at them. "A baby happens when it happens!" I lifted my head to see Jesse walking towards me. He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the idiots and outside for some fresh, though cold, air. "You okay?"

I felt my knees give way as I fell against the wall. "I just want the baby talk to stop alright," I said. "I-I can't talk about it!" I can't tell anyone, they'll look down at me as a man. I took a few moments, trying to calm myself down. I can't tell them. I can't tell them
I'm jealous of Atticus and Jesse and how they already have kids when I can't do that. I can't give my fiancé a child.


A/N - somehow I planned these chapters right as currently this month in the UK were discussing topics of infertility, which is something I had planned for this story from the start.

So the new few chapters are about exploring this issues but a lot from a Male POV and how it affects them.

So it is a sensitive topic and this is a heads up to people who might not like these sorts of topics.

Thanks for on going support with this story as well as were at 1.6K views! 💜

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