Part 37

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Koyo’s POV

Tonight, I get to have my first sleepover over with Shiro since he officially got adopted. I’m really excited actually, I’ve never had a sleepover with a friend. Though I’m a bit worried about Papa and Dad. It’s kind of sudden this sleepover and I hope Papa and the babies are okay.

Still can’t believe I’m getting two little sisters. I try and get Dad to tell me what their names are going to be but he won’t tell me. “Daddy,” Shiro cried as the door opened.

I look over seeing Uncle Zane currently getting rid of his work jacket and Aunt Emiko taking his briefcase. “Any news?” He said, barely above a whisper but I’ve got good hearing so I could make our what he was saying.

Aunt Emiko shook her head. “Not since the last time,” She sighed. “Maybe another hour or so. Go sit down, I'll get you some coffee.”

With that uncle Zane came into the living room, Shiro jumping onto his lap the moment he sat down. “You kids, alright?” He asked and we nodded. He gave a wide smile as he pulled out a small box from his trouser pocket and gave it Shiro. Curious, I got up and sat next to them as Shiro opened it. When he saw what it was, he started to bounce excitedly. “It’s called ‘Ghostrick’. Seeing as you like spooky stories, I pulled a few strings and managed to get you the deck. “

“Thank you, daddy,” Shiro cheered giving Uncle a large hug. With a grin he turned to me. “Koyo, want to help me learn the deck?”

I nodded. “I’ll go grab my deck from my bag,” I said jumping from the sofa and heading into the kitchen where I left my back pack.

Auntie was on the phone and didn’t notice me as I started to rummage for my deck. “So, everyone is going to be okay?” I heard her ask then let out a large sigh. “I’ll bring him in the morning. You had us all worried, you know? We’ll see you in the morning, give Jay my best.” She hung up the phone and our eyes met. She smirked before bursting into laughter. “Just like your Papa, sneaking around.”

I grinned, finally grabbing my deck before running up to her. “Is everything okay?” I asked nervously.

She nodded, grabbing my free hand and taking my back into the Livingroom where Shiro and Uncle were looking through his new deck. “The girls have arrived,” Auntie smiled brightly. It took me a moment then I realised, Papa had my little sisters. She leant down to me patting my head. “Sorry for not telling you sooner. Your dad didn’t want you to worry until we knew they were okay.”

“And papa?” I asked.

“He’s okay too,” She assured. “However, he and the twins need a little break for the time being so we’ll go visit them in the morning but Koyo, you’re a big brother now.”

My eyes widened and then it was my turn to jump. “Calm down,” Uncle Zane laughed. “You’ll hurt yourself but isn’t that exciting?” I nodded and sat myself back down onto the floor where Shiro and I originally sat. “Why don’t you boys have a couple of practice games while Emiko and I sort out dinner?”

Shiro nodded jumping down and sitting opposite me. Auntie and Uncle left the room and that’s when Winged Kuriboh decided to pop out from the deck. He floated around saying something I couldn’t understand. “You’re excited too huh?” I asked and he gave something resembling a nod. “Tomorrow we get to go see Papa and the new babies.”

“What do you think their names will be?” Shiro asked.

I shook my head. “Who knows? Dad wouldn’t tell me,” I pouted and cross my arms. “I really wanted to know.”
“Why don’t we make your Papa a card?” Shiro asked. “After we play, we can make your Papa a get-well card.”

Shiro really is adorable! I felt my heart flutter at the gesture and at his cute smile. “Sure,” I agreed. “Papa would like that and one for the twins to say welcome to the family.”

“Like the one you made me,” Shiro beamed. I blushed. When the adoption was official, I made Shiro a card to welcome him into our family, even though we won’t be related he’s still pretty much family. “But let's play first, I want to try out my new deck.”

I nodded. Tonight, I get to just have fun with Shiro and Auntie and Uncle before I meet my little sisters and start the rest of my life as a big brother.

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