Teaser (Pic not mine)

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I looked through my message board and saw there was a request for a Dark Spiritshipping story. I was like – what could I do and then BAM! Probably won’t be an amazingly long story but will be more mature themed then my current ones. Once they are finished, I will then publish this but I am committed to finishing Baby Daddy and my Counterpart story, perfect catch first, before I roll into this. Still need ideas for titles, cover art etc... So if you have any that would be great. So anyway, here’s a teaser for you:

‘This is a closed invitation to Jaden Yuki. You have expressed interest in our world and as such are hereby welcomed to attend this Friday evening, 18:00 at the below address. Please wear formal attire and bring your duelling deck. Do not bring your duel disk as one shall be provided to you upon entry. Also, you are not to share this location with others, should you do this your invitation will be revoked.

We look forward to having you.’
Not sure why but I am looking at some darker story lines. Including one for Counterpartshipping and still have that draft too. (God I am unorganised)

There are some exciting projects to come so I hope everyone enjoys this little teaser for now 💜

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