Part 25

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Zane’s POV

“You sure you’ll be alright taking care of them tonight?” I asked Syrus as Jaden and Koyo got inot the taxi.

“I’ll be fine,” Syrus assured me. With Jesse just up and leaving, I didn’t want to leave Jaden vulnerable and alone so I convinced him to let Syrus keep him company. “If any happens, I’ll call you and Emiko right away.”

I nodded and waved to the three of them as they drove off. Why are those two such hard work? I grunted, shutting the door and turning around only to be stopped in my tracks by our new spaniel puppy Gonzo. He was Emiko’s Christmas present this year. You have no idea how hard it is to keep a puppy secret. I knelt down to him, scratching behind his ears. We had to put him in the conservatory while we had guests. He’s not too great with other people yet. "Did that scare you boy?” I laughed as he rolled onto his back. “I’m sorry but it’s all calmed down now.” Hopefully.

I patted his side and Gonzo was back on all fours, running to the living room. I looked over to the sofa, Emiko sitting there ideally. Mostly likely just thinking of what just happened. I took my usual seat next to her and pulled my wife into my chest. “I’m beginning to think we’re the normal couple,” She said. “Never did I think I'd say that.”

“Have to agree,” I sighed. “Syrus is going to call if anything happens.”

“I called Lexi but she hasn’t heard of Jesse,” She explained. “I get where he’s coming from and I get Jay’s views on this.”

“You mean the whole ‘I’m not going to believe I’m pregnant because my good friend can’t have a baby’ thing?” I laughed lightly. “But we’ve told him and everyone we’ve accepted our fate and are moving on. Hiding it has only caused him to go into pain and what if he hurt that baby?”

Emiko laughed, kissing my cheek. “Don't be too mad,” She said softly. “At the end of the day they are both adults, believe it or not. My main concern is getting hold of Jesse before he loses his mind and does something he’ll regret.”

I sighed knowing she’s right. None of us have any idea where he could have possibly gone. He could be anywhere and refused to pick up his phone. I had a kiss on the cheek from Emiko disappeared to prepare dinner. I reached for my phone, it’s only been thirty minutes but I'm terrified at the idea something’s happened to anyone. Ironic coming from me and the things I did to people years ago.

No messages or miss calls. I dropped Rose a text, hoping she and Lily got home safely. She said she would tell Atticus to watch out for Jesse on his way home so perhaps we’ll hear something sooner rather than later. Giving up on sitting doing nothing, I made my wat into the kitchen, Gonzo trailing my feet. “Guess someone is hungry,” Emiko laughed watching Gonzo lying next to my feet. “Why don’t you feed him while I finish cutting these potatoes?”

I nodded, reaching into the shelf next to her legs, blowing on the bare skin before dashing off with the food. Emiko gasped, splashing me with a bit of the water from the pot prepped for the potatoes. “Well, whatever comes of this,” I started as I filled Gonzo’s bowl. “We know that things usually turn out alright.” Emiko went to open her mouth the speak but stopped as her phone let out a ping. I reached over seeing an attachment from, Aster? I entered the code, opening it and seeing a picute of Jesse at a bar. In a hurry I quickly called him back and it didn’t take more than a couple of beeps before he picked up. “You have no idea where glad someone found him.”

Emiko whipped her head in surprise. “Listen,” Aster began. “Just tell me what I need to do with the poor guy. He looks like he’s going to top himself if we’re not careful.”

“Okay, short story, he found out Jaden is pregnant but Jaden wasn’t honest and didn’t tell him, or anyone for that fact,” I explained, adding emphasis on the ‘anyone’. “So he’s a little lost right now becuase last time this happened Jaden left him.”

“And I can do what to help?” Aster asked, clearly getting annoyed.

“Sit with him, talk with him and don’t let him out of your site,” Emiko nodded at the plan. “I owe you one.”

“Please, after everything I've done, you owe me more than that,” I didn’t like where this was going. “That PA of yours. She’s really cute and she’s single right?”

I’m sure my face went pale. He’s had a thing for my PA for a while but I really don’t want to mix work and pleasure together. But I think I don’t want Jesse doing more damage than already has been done. “I’ll speak with her,” I growled.

“Okay then,” With that Aster hung up.

“He wanted a date in exchange for helping?” Emiko huffed. “That man, honestly thinks with one thing. But I guess Jesse will be in safe hands. I’ll let Lexi know we found him and you can let Sy know.”

I nodded, praying that Jesse doesn’t make a stupid mistake today.

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