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Koyo's POV

5 years later

"Koyo, Koyo~" I mumbled, stirring underneath my covers trying to hide from the voices calling to me. Why? Why do they insist on doing this every morning? I let out a groan as I feel something heavy fall onto my back. Son of a - I whip the covers off my body to see two trouble makers sitting on the end of it. "Morning!" They chimed.

Mia and Lena, now 5 years old and are certainly trouble makers. I gave a heavy sigh before patting their heads. They both ended up with Papa's chocolate hair though Lena has brown eyes and Mia has blue, which is the only way we ca really tell them apart. Other than that, they really are a troublesome twosome. "Who are you two going to annoy once I'm at the academy?" I laughed and they both pouted. This month I have my exams for Duel Academy coming up. I've dreamt of becoming a pro for so long and this school is my ticket to make it happen. "Also, what have I told you guys about coming into my room without knocking?"

"But we needed to get you up," Mia said.

"Yeah, Shiro is outside waiting," Lena pointed to the window. I leant over and pulled back the curtain and their he was. A little white hair beauty smiling up and waving to me. "See?"

I jumped, realising he probably been waiting for a while. I leapt out of bed dressing as quick as possible, ignoring my sister's snickers. Quickly I ran downstairs, grabbing my bad off the coat rack and ran to the kitchen. Dad was at the table reading the paper while Papa was making lunches. "Running late again," Dad laughed placing the paper down. "You know, alarm clocks exist and are less annoying then five-year-old twins."

"He has a point," Papa laughed as well handing me my lunch and holding a plate with a slice of toast on it. "You want to learn better time management for when you enter the academy."

"Says the former slacker," I snorted at dad's comment, taking my toast as Papa nearly threw the plate at dad's head. "It was a joke!"

I ran off, letting them bicker and bolted out the door. I sighed, seeing Shiro hadn't left yet. "You need to learn to get up by yourself," He mocked pushing into me with his arm and I blushed deeply. Stop being cute! We began the treacherous walk to school with idle conversation. "So, you're exams tomorrow, right?"

I finished the last bite of my toast before I answered. "Yeah, the written one is anyway," I explained. "But I shouldn't have a problem with it. I've been getting high marks on the practice exams." Shiro went quite for a moment, his gaze diverted to the floor. Maybe he's worried for when he has to take exams? "When your time comes, I know you won't have any problems with them."

"But I-" I just grinned ruffling his hair. I know he still has another 2 years before he has to worry about them so I don't know why he could be fretting about them now. "Whatever, not like you'll understand anyway."

"You calling me dumb," I whined giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Don't do that," He laughed, shoving me away from him. "Miki does that and it you know it always works!"

I grinned, knowing I'd won. Miki was his 4-year-old sister. Turned out by some miracle aunt Emiko got pregnant around when Papa had the twins. To say she was boisterous was an understatement but she's loves her big brother with all her heart.

When Shiro found out, is when we started to become closure. He was scared he wasn't going to be as loved as before but he never had anything to worry about. Blood or not aunt Emiko and uncle Zane love Shiro more than anyone could love a child. Though I promised Shiro is they ever stopped; I would just make him apart of my family.

We got to school and separated ways as I headed to the senior's area of the school. Walking into class I met up with my friends who were also trying out for Duel Academy. "I'm going to show everyone at the practical exam what my Zombie deck can do!" Marcus laughed.

"Get through the written exam first," I teased.

"Easy for you to say," He shot back. "The practical exam is what I'm hoping most of my score is made out of. We can't all be a genius like you."

"I just study hard," I shrugged. It's true, I'm not a total slacker. I do study most my free time and I even help Shiro when he needs it, though I'm sure he's smarter than me. "Just try your best tomorrow."


The next morning came quickly, for the first time in a year I wasn't woken up by Mia and Lena. I look myself in the mirror, straightening out my tie and every now and then, taking a peek at my phone. I'm kind of hoping Shiro would text me by now. I sighed sitting back on my bed. Why hasn't he texted? He didn't message me all last night. I let out a growl tearing at my hair.

"You'll go bald that way," I heard dad laughing from my door. No one knows how to know in this house, do they? I walked over and sat next to me. Why do I fele the same atmosphere as when he gave me 'the talk'? "Nervous for your exam?" I shuck my head. Nope, exams don't bother me. "Then is it Shiro?"

"That obvious?" I cringed.

"A little," dad chuckled. "But don't worry about him. You'll see him in school this afternoon right?" I nodded. "Why not go to the arcade or get ice cream or something? He might be getting worried."

"About what?" I asked.

"For the past month of the exam preps all you've blabbed about is how you can't wait to go to duel academy," Dad stated. "Maybe he's starting to feel a bit lonely.

My eyes widened at the sudden realisation. Of course, until he joins me. Shiro will be here on his own. "I'm an idiot," I sighed grabbing my phone. I dropped him a quick text telling him to meet me outside the school gates once the day was over. Just hoping now I haven't lost my best friend.


Some people thought the previodu chapater was the end but I'm not done just yet.

Hope you all enjoy the next few chapters 💜💜

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