Part 5

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Jesse's POV

It's been a week since Jaden kicked me out of his apartment and now here I am with my own pity. All I needed to know was why? Why did he leave all those years ago? I loved Jaden with all my heart, truly it broke my heart when he up and left. All he left was a note with the word "goodbye" on the counter of our kitchen. He was my best friend and my lover and I lost all that over night.

I mean I can't talk now though can I? It was only 6 months after he left I married Alexis. She was a rebound but I felt so lonely. Do I love her? Yes I suppose I do in a way because she was there for me but Jaden still makes my heart ache and flutter all at the same time. When I saw him at the charity event I wanted to run over to him and kiss him. I mean I can't, I'm married and Jaden, well he's a farther now. I sighed as I grabbed a cup of coffee that Alexis had left for me. "Oh morning Jess," I turned to see her all dressed up ready to visit her new school again today. She walked over giving me a small kiss. "So what's your plan today?"

"I'm going to go see a couple of sponsors," I answered. We the two of use moving here I would need a new sponsor to be able to enter the duelling leagues. "Then maybe go see Zane, who knows he might be able to help me out with a couple meetings."

"Speaking of," she smirked. "Zane invited us around Friday night for dinner."

"Oh really?" News to me.

She nodded. "Emiko apparently wants to try out her new curry recipe and it gives us chance to all catch up."

"Sure just let me know the time," I smiled as she kissed and left for work. Well I have a whole day free. Maybe it's worth talking to Zane? Seeing as Alexis now has a position here, I should see about joining a league.


I walked through the busy office being lead my the front desk receptionist. She opened a door to an office, "please wait here. Mr Truesdale will be with you shortly."

I nodded entering the room and taking a seat. I must have only waited five minutes before Zane came rushing in. "Sorry, a newbie had a malfunction with his disk on the practice ground!"  He painted as he sat down, carry various folders. For a guy who has a heart condition I'm sure he should be taking it easier. "Anyway, how come you're here?" 

"Well," I was a bit embrassed but I need to do this. "I was thinking I could join your league." I looked at me blank. "It's just a temporary thing while We start the moving process."

"This is an unusual request," Zane sighed then stuck his hand out. "But the Cyber league is happy to take you any day." I took his hand happily, now that is all sorted we can start looking for a house.  "Hey jess."

"Yeah," I asked as we got up to leave the room.

"You and Lex thinking about kids?" He seemed a bit nervous asking the question. I simply shrugged, honestly I wasn't sure I'd be a good dad.

"Why you ask?"

"No reason."

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