Part 31

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Jesse’s POV

Once the party had ended, the parents from the school head out, party bags in hands while Zane, Emiko and Alexis stayed. Koyo had taken them to his room to play on his new video games so the adults could talk. Though, I don’t think I believe what Alexis has just told us. Zane looked like he was about to go berserk and Jaden was speechless. “An affair?” Emiko repeated. “Atticus has been having an affair? For how long?”

“Long enough for the woman to have a ten-month-old son,” Alexis growled. “I decided to stop by before my meetings and heard screaming. Lily was in her room under the covers. I wasn’t sure what to do other then get Lily out of there. I told them I would be taking Lily out with me. That’s when I called you Jay.”

Jay just remained silent. None of us were truly aware of what to say. Rose and Atticus always seemed like they were happy. Well, from what I've heard from Alexis and seen in the past year. “So, what are they doing now?” Jay asked.

“I’m hoping talking it out,” Alexis stated bluntly.

Well, that certainly would help things. It makes me wonder what drove Atticus to do such a thing. I sighed, noticing for Jay this situation must remind him of what he thought happened ten years ago. I looked up at Zane, who had a look of murder on his face. Honestly, I've seen this man get angry, while he’s never acted on it, I’m scared what will happen when he does. He grunted getting up and reaching for his phone. “Do you think that’s wise?” Emiko asked looking up at him, clearly having an idea of what he was going to do. 

“He’s my, or at least, was, my best friend,” He shot back. “If I don’t do this, I'll regret it. If not for me to understand why, then for Rose and Lily.”

Emiko feel silent, nodding and letting Zane run off to the kitchen to make his call. I remember Atticus being a bit of a player before but once he met Rose, Jay told me about how shocked he was at how mature Atticus had all of a sudden become and when Lily came about, he was a totally different guy. “Jay, mind if I go upstairs to check on the kids?” Emiko asked and Jay shook his head. “Thanks, I just want to make sure they’re alright and no one has snuck down to listen on the adults.”

That made us giggle a bit and soon Emiko was off upstairs we all know she just wants to keep the kids calm in case Zane got angry over the phone and boy did he. We could hear yelling coming kitchen and it made my heart sink.  “What’s going to happen with Lily?” Jay asked Alexis.

She sighed running a hand through her hair. “I’ll take her home with me,” She proclaimed. “I can’t afford for her to see this big horrible mess the two of them have caused.”

“If you need anything call us,” Jaden offered and Alexis nodded, tears threatening to fall form her face.

I sighed, all we can do is be there for Lily and let Atticus and Rose sort the issue out themselves. After another hour or so Lexi took Lily home, with her party bag and cake and Zane and Emiko said they had to leave as they had to take Shiro back to the care home. Apparently, it was still be a while until they could decide whether the two of them would officially adopt Shiro and he could move in with them.

It’s weird, just as one family seems to be coming together another one is being destroyed. “Let’s not tell Koyo anything that’s happened,” Jaden demanded of me. “He’s just a kid and we can be there for Lily and Rose without him knowing the bad things.”

I laughed; Jay’s maternal instinct must be coming through more with the raging hormones. He was becoming overly protective but I kind of like it. We sat on the sofa together while Koyo stayed in his room, playing his video games. “I never thought Atticus would do such a thing,” Jaden sighed.  “Lily looked so down this afternoon; it’s really affecting her.” It was then he broke down. I frowned leaning over and holding him tightly.

“They’s get through it,” I assured. “Don’t worry, she’ll be okay.”

“I feel so silly,” He cried. “But what if I made Koyo feel this way but taking you away from him.”

“Don’t be silly,” I sighed wiping his tears. “Koyo lived a very happy life and is happier now because we’re both here.”


“But nothing,” I shook my head. We’re a family now but I'm guessing he’s just feeling this way because of the hormones. I smiled as I just let Jay cry into my chest. I know he means the best but I really do wonder if everything will be as alright as we say it will be. If this stresses Jay out I'll have to make sure he stays out the way, for the babies’ sacks and his own.

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