Part 41

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Shiro’s POV

Idiot! He’s an idiot only looking ahead and not at what’s around him. For the past year I’ve been trying to tell him I don’t want to go to duel academy, that his dream not ‘ours’. As kind as Koyo can be, he’s also really dense. I groaned, walking through the door and throwing my shoes into the hallway.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” Dad said in a sarcastic tone. “Things not go so well with Koyo?”

I sighed moving into the living room and plopping myself face first into the sofa. “He doesn’t notice how I feel,” I moaned into the cushion. I felt dad take a seat on the arm of the chair. I looked up at him pouting. “He isn’t thinking how his words make us all feel, you know? I know he wants to go duel academy but he thinks it's what I want to.”

“And what do you want?” Dad asked.

“I want to be here with your and mom,” I sighed.

“And Miki too?” I looked to the other side of the sofa, seeing Miki standing there, her teal hair standing up from the obvious nap she had taken.

“And Miki too,” I repeated and she jumped up into my arms. “I can’t blame Koyo for being so passionate but I just wished he had asked what I wanted.”

“Koyo’s a big personality, who dives in head first,” Dad laughed. “Like someone else I know. Koyo has always had this imagine in his head how he thinks things will turn out. He’ll be a bit upset now because they aren’t going to plan.”

I groaned, that’s just sent me down guilty lane. “I feel awful.”  As I said that Miki started rubbing my head trying to make me feel better. “He was all excited and now I probably made him feel like a jerk for planning out our future.”

“Don’t feel that way,” I looked up as I felt Miki being taken off my lap. Mom looked at me with that motherly smile. “You’re both young and while I agree Koyo should have asked what you planned for the future, think about it this way. He saw you in his.” I blushed deeply. Mom was right. Even if it’s not what I wanted, Koyo still saw me in his future and I wonder if he still does. "I say, let Koyo go through his practical exam first and get that out the way before the two of you have a much deeper talk.”

“That would be fair,” Dad agreed. “Once that’s out the way the town festival will be right around the corner. It was be nice for the two of you to make up there.”

Why do my parents sound like they are setting me up on a date? Though, I have to agree, since I can remember me and Koyo always go to the festival together. “When is the practical exam?” I asked looking up at mom, knowing she was one of the examiners this year.

“Wednesday,” She answered.

It’s Friday now, so that give me plenty of time to come up to what to say to Koyo. I hope he won’t hate me.

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