Part 10

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Jaden's POV

Ow, my head hurts. I moaned as I tried to pull the covered off me. What happened last night? Oh, that's right, Jesse stayed to cook dinner and take care of Koyo. I smiled to myself, he's been good to us this past month. I wonder, would he have been this caring if we stayed together? I sighed, the smile still on my face. I can't think that way.  Jesse is a married man now and I have to accept that we've chosen to be no more than just parents to our little man. I jumped as I heard a loud banging from the kitchen. What in the world?

I got up carefully as I still didn't have my full strength back and made my way to the kitchen. I am so happy that stairs do not exist in this apartment. I laughed as I noticed Jesse scrambling to clean the coffee beans off the floor. "Daddy tried to make coffee," Koyo laughed running over to me. "Morning Papa, how are you feeling?"

"Morning baby," I greeted back patting his head.  "I feel much better than yesterday. Jesse, do you need help?"

Jesse laughed nervously, "No, I'm alright. You can go sit down, I'll make you a drink."

I nodded and Koyo helped me to the sofa. He told me that Miss Bettie would be around to take him to school while she takes her daughter and that she would drop some extra tablets around also. "Speaking of school," I said. "You better get dressed mister."

He groaned, Koyo loved lazing around in his pyjamas, wonder where he got that from? With a pout he ran off to his room to get changed as Jesse placed the coffee on the table. "Sorry for the mess," He apologised sitting next to me. "I swear I cleaned it all!"

"I believe you," I assured. "Thank you for last night."

I saw as he blushed. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed how cute he looked. "You're the papa of my child, I couldn't just leave you alone," He said. Since having Koyo, I rarely got sick, as a parent you just don't have the time.  My gaze moved down to his lips, how I've missed those lips. "Anyway," Jesse started bringing me out of my daze. "I better get going. Zane won't be happy if I show up late."

"Do you want a shower first?" I asked as he stood up.

He shook his head. "I'll head home first," He started. "Make sure Alexis is okay. I'll see you later."

Koyo ran back into the living room, giving Jesse a big goodbye before he left. I felt a tinged in my stomach, it felt like what happened the first time I met Jesse. "Papa, Miss Bettie is here," Koyo ran over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Feel better papa."

"Tell miss Bettie we'll treat her to dinner soon as a thank you," I smiled patting his head as he tried to run off.

Once he was gone I felt someone looming over me, "Seems your heart is a bit confused." Yubel spoke as she observed the situation. I sometimes hate being fused with her, she knows too much. "Perhaps it's time you're honest with yourself."

"Yubel," I growled, slightly annoyed. "Jesse is now married, all that matters now is he's there for Koyo."

I sighed, reaching over the table for my phone. I unplugged it from its charger before scrolling through the contacts. First, tell work I still have a fever, them, tell the school miss Bettie is collection Koyo again and finally ask advise from the only person with a successful relationship. Perhaps, I do need to be honest with myself.


It was around 1 o'clock when the apartment door opened. I could hear the rustling of bags as the person walked through the door. "Jay!" I heard Emiko call out as she stumbled through the apartment. I called back that I was in the living room, to my surprise she waltz in, bags hanging off both arms and a folder on the other. "Couldn't have chosen a better day huh?"

I laughed at her sarcasm as she placed the folder on the table before removing bags from her arms. She tossed me a small bag of medication, advising it was best to keep things like that from now one. "Sorry to call you out," I apologised.

"Jay, I have been there for you since we were five years old," She laughed sitting close to me. "You're my best friend, I just wished you had better timing. I didn't have time to drop off the bags at Zane's parents." I looked at the mass overflow of bags. "It's stuff for the wedding. ANyway, you said you needed advice."

I took a deep breath, this is going to be a heard confession. "I think that I may still have feelings for Jess," I admitted.

She stared at me shocked and wide eyed. I knew I shouldn't have said anything.  "I guessed this was happened," She sighed as her face became softer. "Jay, two things. One; he's the farther of your child, naturally there will be some type of feelings there and two; he's married and from what I can see, happily. You don't want to ruin a nearly 10-year relationship because of old feelings, do you?" That's Emiko, harsh but realistic. Perhaps she's right and that the whole thing is because he's Koyo's farther. I just feel stupid, I had a chance with this wonderful man and for the shear fact I was too scared to ask what was happening, ask for the truth, I ran away. I didn't get any sort of closure nor did I tell him about his child. Maybe, this is just guilt more than love. "Why don't you do that singles night in town next week?"

Me? At a singles night? I blushed at the thought. "Emiko, I do-don't know, about-"

"Jesse could have Koyo for the night," She interrupted with a large smile. "Even better he and Zane could take Koyo out, so we still go by the rules with supervised visits. Jay, you need to move on and I saw this for you, not Koyo. You need a love life yourself."

I sighed in defeat, if I go to this one night, she might leave me alone about it. "Okay, I'll go," I laughed giving in. "It will be a nice change of pace." I hope I'm not making a mistake.

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