Bonus 4

313 9 2

Jaden’s POV

Bottles, check, blankets check, food check. Okay, the girls are ready for their sleep over with Grandma Martha. Koyo is having a sleepover with some friends from school so my mom offered to have the girls for Jesse and I to have a night on our own. You know, I can’t remember the last time we were alone.  Maybe it was at Emiko’s wedding? Oh, that’s um, that’s a while.

My mom picked the girls up after half an hour of me frantically trying to ensure everything is packed. I kissed bother my girls before mom took them away. Okay, I have an hour before Jesse is back form work. Apparently, Zane needed to have some important meetings with him and about the future of the league.  I dread to think anything bad is going to happen.

I sighed, heading to the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee. We haven’t really planned for anything today, other than just relaxing. I will say, I have brought a cake and some wine, hiding it in the part of fridge he doesn’t look. I guess I never got over the habit of hiding my snacks. I think Koyo has started doing the same too.

I jumped excitedly hearing the front door open. I quickly finished up the coffee and  got the cake out. I placed it all on a tray and went to the living room, placing everything onto the table neatly.

I smiled widely seeing Jesse standing at the door with  a smile as bog as mine and a bouquet of Rose’s nearly as big. I blushed deeply as he handed them to me, kissing my forehead. I lifted my head, kissing him on the lips in a quick peck. “Welcome home,” I greeted pulling him to the table. I got him to sit on the sofa as I placed the Roses in a vase. I hummed heading back in the living room, Jesse hunched over playing with a small box. “What you got there?” I questioned taking my seat again.

“Jay,” He took a deep breath turning to face me, his cheeks a tint of pink. “I-I’ve been thinking for a while now and maybe it’s time.”

I raise a brow. “Time?” I don’t think I understand what’s he saying.

Jesse let out a small laugh . “Same old Jay,” I watched him move to kneel in front of me. Wait, he’s on one knee! The blood rushed to my head is he doing what I think hes doing? “Jay, the girls have my last name and I think you and Koyo should have my last name. I love you both and my only regret in life is I couldnt be there for you and our son for ten years. But now I want to be there for you rest of your life. Jay, will you marry me?”

My eyes started to sting as they filled up with tears. I opened my both  to speak but couldn’t as I watched Jesse pull a silver band out of the black box. I started to nod and grabbed his face kissing him deeply
“I love you!”

“I love you too. I always have.”



A little something I wanted to write as it's coming up to a year since my own fiance proposed! Hope you enjoyed this little bonus 💜

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